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Posts posted by KruelHouse

  1. Ease up Yota. The BreastScooter is ALL MINE!!! I already talked to BigChief about getting it all "Murdered Out". I also contacted the guys at Sato Racing this morning, and a custom titanium exhaust is in the works. Moriwaki is also working on a large capacity airbox for it as well.

    That's right bitches and bitchettes... I'm building a 9 sec. scooter:D

  2. I live within 45 minutes of the biggest mosque in NW Ohio, possibly the whole state, and aside from some petty vandalism & mild threats/jabbering.....They've been pretty much left alone. They've certainly not been bombed or attacked as part of a vigilante effort. I think we Americans have been VERY tolerant towards them & respecting their religious beliefs

    Interesting... Now by the same token, have any of the individuals belonging to this Mosque openly plotted or carried out any malicious, or petty acts against the people of the greater community?

    And if they haven't, yet they've endured petty vandalism, threats and jabbering... I'd say that they've been pretty tolerant of the individuals in their NW Ohio community.

    I think that to agree to disagree may be a good idea on the front that people will not change their views overnight (especially in a netForum). As the saying goes: "We're all just one EXPERIENCE away from a breakthrough." Perhaps it will take a positive experience or two with the culture that you loathe for you to embrace them.

    However, I also agree with JRMii in that I don't want this thread to die because it's certainly been eye-opening and educational. I actually got a pretty good History lesson out of it. I believe that as long as we can keep it cordial, and refrain from namecalling and other belligerent insults; this is nothing more than "healthy conversation."

    Peace and carry-on.

  3. JRMMii

    +1 on the "Floating Holidays". We have them (Personal Choice Holidays), and truth be told, I think they're great. Everyone gets a set number per year (outside of regular vacation days), to celebrate whatever they want. It's good if you want to celebrate "Good Friday"; or perhaps celebrate the life of a lost loved one. Hell, you could even use it to go shopping the day after Thanksgiving if you really want to, and it's no big deal.

    With an ever-increasingly large multicultural contingent within the workplace, I don't think that it will be long before the majority of our large corporations will move to this type of vacation structure, and it will trickle down to smaller companies from there.

  4. Union officials said the two Somali immigrants on the union’s eight-member bargaining committee had been eager to make Id al-Fitr (pronounced eed-al-FIT-tr) a paid holiday. The union agreed to do so at the expense of Labor Day in part because it did not want to trade Christmas, the Fourth of July, Memorial Day or other existing paid holidays, and in part because Tyson has usually required the plant’s employees to work on Labor Day anyway. (Employees received a holiday premium for working that day.)

    “We had worked 23 Labor Days in a row; it wasn’t like it was a day to spend with our family,†said Randy Hadley, a union representative who helped negotiate the contract.

    I just re-read the article... It seems as if "Labor Day" was just another day at the Shelbyville, TN Tyson plant. So it's not like it was ever a PAID holiday. It was just a day where everyone was required to work, yet they probably received time and 1/2 for their labor.

    I wonder if that will continue during Id al-Fitr?

    Perhaps I'm misunderstanding something.

  5. While I know ALL muslims don't hate me & aren't gonna kill me......The problem is we have no idea until it's too late, which ones are implants here, as part of sleeper cells, just waiting for their cell phones to go ringy ringy......And then all the sudden the guy you thought was OK is now screaming at you in Arabic about being an "American Pig"

    Maybe they sent you guys the official State List of which guys are which, but I just distrust all of them at this point.

    Fonzie, I understand where you're coming from in "not knowing who's the enemy, and who isn't". However, living amongst the "enemy" is just a chance that you/we all have to take. It's not like we can just "kill" them all, for that would be genocide. Not to mention, since we don't know WHO is an Islamic extremist, and who isn't... The individuals who may be Muslim, or even just from a Middle Eastern country are often unfortunately mistaken and mistreated. I was a Sr. in College during the attacks of September 11th, and many of my friends and classmates (some Muslim, some not) were mistreated and harrassed on campus. What's crazy is that students were targeting ANY student that looked ANYTHING like the media's description of a terrorist. It didn't matter if you were Indian, Pakistani, or even Egyptian. It was a really sad and disheartening state of affairs. There was that whole "Look what your people did to us" mentality, and thus the innocent were unjustly persecuted. I feel the same way when I would talk to my late grandparents about racism and "reverse racism". The fact that they could sometimes not like/trust caucasians because of what happened in the past bothered me. It's not like the kid in my neighborhood who came over for dinner was the one who turned on the fire hoses and sic'd the dogs on you... Neither did his parent for that matter.

    I'm not saying that you, or any of us are to forget what was done... All I'm saying is that we always preach: "You're innocent until proven guilty", so let's start practicing that.

    As far as not trusting ANY of "them" is concerned... Well that's kinda like a caucasian woman clutching her purse and crossing the street whenever she sees an African-American male in her path (especially one between the ages of 12 & 40). Just because some people are living foul doesn't mean that the entire race/religious sect will follow suit. However, who you place your trust in is ultimately YOUR prerogative.

  6. why you gotta go and say something like that...


    Not to mention, the fall is the best time to ride!!! (And given my current schedule, probably my only chance to ride).

    I won't be able to make it out, but hopefully week after next, I'll be good to go;)

  7. I don't understand it either Fonzie. When I'm riding, I don't care about that shit. I'm off riding, whoever is calling or texting can just wait until I'm stopped somewhere. It's not like I know I'm getting a txt or call anyways because of the wind and the bike. I'm out riding to get away from everything.

    +1,000,000!!! When I'm riding, I couldn't care less about calls, txt msgs, tell-a-grams, courier pigeons, or those little styrofoam cups with the string attached at each end. That isht can wait until I'm in a Zen-like state and am ready to respond to the world.

  8. Well everyone has a life outside ohioriders. So if you don't make it you don't make it. Your loss. Show when you can.

    What are you talking about? You guys ARE my life! I was just a lost, hapless soul meandering aimlessly through the streets of the 614 before O.R. came along.;)

  9. Well Team Yellow is gonna kick ya'lls asses!!! :p

    Talking trash already... Aaron, that is so un-characteristic of a scholarly athelete...

    Keep this up, and I will do something to piss my lady off, thus causing her to cancel the trip... ONLY so I can show up on the field Sunday morning...;)

  10. Red Team:

    There is a STRONG possibility that I will not be available for the 1st game (7/13). I work in Philly, and the girl that I'm dating (who works in Sacramento), was planning a weekend for us in Philadelphia (even though Philadelphia is the utter ANTITHESIS of romance). However un-romantic the city may be, I still love my E-A-G-L-E-S!!! That's how it stands right now...

    Stay tuned for any updates or changes.;)

  11. I was there at 10:25-29ish and all I saw were some thugs playing basketball (This was at the park behind the pony). I came into the park along the side near Autozone and saw no one........... Was I in the wrong place? On a side note I'm never late for anything so I thought there would be people there when I got there.....:mad:

    You were in the right place... It's just that no one else was there. ;) I was there at 10:15, and hung out with said "thugs" to ask if anyone had been down here. I then followed that trail down a ways in search another field. You must have driven through at that point.

    It was a good time! Look forward to the next game

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