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The slow evolution of my ZX12R


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I two setbacks today. One was expected and one was completely unexpected.:nono:

Once I figure out what to do about the unexpected one I'll post about the two issues.:eek:

Ok now, no need to make it dramatic......lets here what happened and your plan for remedy.

Jeesh, its like waiting a week for the next episode reveal where Mike kills the neighbor for not returning a wrench he needed:D

Just shoot the guy and get the bike done already!

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Ok now, no need to make it dramatic......lets here what happened and your plan for remedy.

Jeesh, its like waiting a week for the next episode reveal where Mike kills the neighbor for not returning a wrench he needed:D

Just shoot the guy and get the bike done already!

The expected one is a ducting issue. I'll post pics later. The unexpected is the shifter shaft is moving too much. I might have to drop the engine to fix it.:nono:

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The expected one is a ducting issue. I'll post pics later. The unexpected is the shifter shaft is moving too much. I might have to drop the engine to fix it.:nono:

Glad to hear it wasn't THAT detrimental, I was thinking you fired it and there was a bearing issue or worse. Dropping the engine to fix a shift shaft issue? :eek: Wow, hope there's another way...

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Thanks for the thoughts guys. It's always appreciated...:)

The expected issue is with the turbo piping. I had a different opinion of how to route it but was talked into the way it was routed. Now that I have the front fender on you can clearly see the issue.:mad:

It's my fault because I was sure this would happen but I let someone talk me out of my planned layout.






I've already selected the parts I need to correct this. Now I wait for the UPS guy.

I'm going to rotate the turbo like it is in the photo and reroute the tubing.


Edited by 2fat2fly
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I gather you're a methodical guy just from short convo at Kilkare last year and talk around here. Surprised you let that happen, actually :D

The way you've got it now would be a stealthier install anyway, and does your way decrease the number/amount of bends between the turbo and intake? Logic tells me that lesser degree of angles against the pressurized air would allow more cfm, is that a safe assumption?

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I gather you're a methodical guy just from short convo at Kilkare last year and talk around here. Surprised you let that happen, actually :D

The way you've got it now would be a stealthier install anyway, and does your way decrease the number/amount of bends between the turbo and intake? Logic tells me that lesser degree of angles against the pressurized air would allow more cfm, is that a safe assumption?

You're right on all counts and the airflow (cfm) will be restricted by the smallest inside diameter of the entire pipe length. So if the entire pipe I.D. is 2" except for an elbow that has a 1.5" I.D. then you'll have essentially the cfm allowed by the 1.5" restriction for the whole run and the rest is wasted space...

The issue is clearance to the front tire though. With the front end fully compressed I don't think there will be enough clearance to not have interference with the turbo plumbing.

The new path will incur 3 90 degree bends but will move the charge pipe outboard a comfortable distance.

I gather you're a methodical guy just from short convo at Kilkare last year and talk around here. Surprised you let that happen, actually :D

In my defense I must say that when dealing with family sometimes you agree just to get somebody to shut up.:D

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I figured out the shifter issue. It turns out it wasn't anything more than a simple oversight by me. And yes, I feel stupid. The clutch cover is the positive stop for the shifter shaft to keep it from sliding to the right. It has a circlip and washer that prevents it from sliding to the left. When you add the lock up clutch you need the spacer for the clutch cover to enable clearance for everything inside the cover. MTC also makes a spacer for the shifter shaft. It was in my box of parts but I forgot it when digging out the cover spacer. I'm sure I would've found it later but I just wasn't thinking about it last night. That's one of the problems with letting a project sit for long periods of time. I forget stuff.

Here's pictures without and with the spacer:



Everything's together and life is good. I was able to go ahead and finish the air shifter installation today as well:



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While doing the shifter I was reminded of something I did a long time ago and it illustrates that I'm a cheap b@$t@^d. I lowered the 12 for drag racing and when you do that you need lowering links; which I have on the bike:


and you need a shorter kickstand. Several companies sell them for at least $100 each.


I went to a salvage yard and bought an old ZX7 kickstand, cut it to length and my brother welded it together. We had to add a spring mount to the kickstand as well, so I bought a bolt that we ground down and welded to it as the return spring mount. I painted it before installing it but the paint has faded and chipped in the last 10 years...Total cost to do the mod? about $12. This includes the bolt, kickstand and paint. You can see the weld bead in the photo:



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Shouldn't feel stupid, catching things like this BEFORE you run the bike puts you ahead of another failure or further disassemby. When's your inlet tubing due in? I take it there was no way to chop up what you'd already used to rebuild the pipe?

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Yes sir, I COMPLETELY understand :lol:
Shouldn't feel stupid, catching things like this BEFORE you run the bike puts you ahead of another failure or further disassemby. When's your inlet tubing due in? I take it there was no way to chop up what you'd already used to rebuild the pipe?

I'll be using parts of the existing pipe. pipe just need 3 tight 90 degree bends to finish it. That's what I had to order and I ordered them last night. I'll possibly have them by next weekend so there shouldn't be any slow down of progress. I might have to focus on other stuff while I wait but there's still plenty to do.

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I have pulled the undertail off the bike and painted it. I'll be seam sealing the edges to protect against water intrusion and it'll go back on the bike on Wednesday or Thursday ( whichever one is my next day off). Then I'll start with all the wiring. I also received an email that my turbo ducting parts are on the way and I should have them before Thursday. So I'll be working on that this weekend as well.

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