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22LR Rounds


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Yeah I saw some posted on FB stating gun shows were trying to sell 525 bricks for 75-80 bucks. Crackheads. For that price, I should get to shoot the person selling them to me. Not that I would ever spend that much on .22LR ammo.

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I really don't understand the ammo panic buying. There isn't enough support for a weapons ban in the first place. And if there was, no one is proposing an ammo ban.

I keep a small supply of ammo on hand for target shooting and that's about it.

Stocking up when prices are high is...well, kinda stupid. Supply and demand has two sides. After all this panic nonsense comes to an end and manufacturers catch up, prices are going to drop hard.

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I'm looking forward to when all this high-price hoarding stops. Supply will be plentiful, and it'll accumulate on the shelves because all the hoarders will already be full. Prices will drop back to normal levels, and maybe even lower while the hoarders take time to run through their stock.

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My uncle(in law) was just telling me 5.56 is 1.00+ at gun shows IF they have it. 22LR he can't find anywhere, he had just bought a new 22LR before all this and hasn't shot it once. Said even gun shows don't have any. I told him I'd hit the Walley up here this week at lunch a few tiems to try to find some 9mm and 22LR. I'll grab some 223 as well if they have it, but I'm not trying to hoard and "stock up", I just want to be able to shoot and help him lol. I haven't been to the range since all this happened because I can't afford it lol.

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My uncle(in law) was just telling me 5.56 is 1.00+ at gun shows IF they have it. 22LR he can't find anywhere, he had just bought a new 22LR before all this and hasn't shot it once. Said even gun shows don't have any. I told him I'd hit the Walley up here this week at lunch a few tiems to try to find some 9mm and 22LR. I'll grab some 223 as well if they have it, but I'm not trying to hoard and "stock up", I just want to be able to shoot and help him lol. I haven't been to the range since all this happened because I can't afford it lol.

I will give you a couple boxes for him to shoot when i see you if you dont find any by then.

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I'm looking forward to when all this high-price hoarding stops. Supply will be plentiful, and it'll accumulate on the shelves because all the hoarders will already be full. Prices will drop back to normal levels, and maybe even lower while the hoarders take time to run through their stock.

Prices will never come back down, even when supply is back to normal.

It's like gas. Once they know you will pay stupid prices, it will stay at stupid prices.

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Curious - what kind, and what price?

I just grabbed some basic Winchester to go the range later this week, but I think they had some Federal in stock as well.

The Winchester was ~$25 for a box of 100.

Edited by Hailwood
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