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Alaskan land sale has begun!


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5 acre lots. Low price. Homesteading. Bring an axe/chainsaw/etc. Twenty to thirty miles rugged cross country with water crossings to nearest road to the East, for most sites. Nenana, Alaska is on that highway. (Alaska route 3, George Parks Hwy.) Small town. Small airport. 40-50 miles from there to Fairbanks.





Typical starter cabin:


A place with many years of work:


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I really want to do this. But I'd want in a undeveloped burrow so there's no property taxes and just for a trip a year type thing. getting there would be half the fun but riverside or lake front is a must. Gotta watch though. The huge lots like 600 acres or more there's a clause that you have to make 20 acres or something tillable in a few years or it goes back to Alaska type deal. Non-Alaskan residents can only participate in teh IOTC or OTC offerings. Basically, what's left over we get choice. There's always lots for sale.

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Everything is expensive in Alaska but the urge to get out of the rat race has prompted me to look for land in MT and NE NV (there's at least work out there but not in my current career field).

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April to August is the about the only time you wouldn't freeze to death just trying to get to some of these remote area's. Chleca lake area had a some nice spots.

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