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Ford F series guru's info needed


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So in looking into buying a used truck. I've been looking for a couple months now and trying to find a relativley low mileage clean vehicle under 10K seems to be few and far between. I'm in no hurry, so waiting for the right deal to come along isnt a problem. The only requirements other than price is that it has to be 4wheel drive and extended cab.

Tomorow im going to take a look at a 04 F350 with the V10 engine. Do i need a 1 ton truck, not at all but having less than 100K miles on it, priced at 10.5K and "looks" clean in the pictures it seems to fit my basic requirements.

Now here is where the "guru's" can help me out. Ive done my fair share of working on cars and what have you and know generally what to look for in used vehicles. So being specific is there something that i should pay close attention to on this particular truck. From beating around the interwebz i get that the V10 is a pretty dependable gass guzzler. I would assume that a few people here have some indepth knowledge of this model. So if you have some points that i should take into consideration when taking a look at it let me know.

Also if anyone wants to be a really nice guy and can run a Carfax for me that would be killer. VIN: 1FTSX31S44EC05433

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I have no personal experiance with the 350's but one major problem my buddy has had is the front ends in them. Not really sure why but it seems like he does a $2,000 front end overhall every 2 years. I have always owned F-150's currently own a 12 FX-4 and i have had great luck. one i just traded last year had 140,000 and the only thing i ever did was tires and oil changes. If you really dont need all that towing power i would look F-150.

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  Hoblick said:
Why buy american when you can buy a toyota or nissan and have a truck that will last?

Technically, those are made in AMerica for the most part anymore, just as much if not as much as any Domestic is LOLZ. Not so much the used around their price range, but definitely the newer.

The V10, my neighbor has 2, 1 F350 and 1 Excursion. When thinking "truck" you need to think about what you are getting it for. You're talking about an F350, the ONLY reason anyone needs one is to tow. If you are not towing, get an F150 or something like Hob's commeted. The V10 will drink gas worse than anything out there and even more so when towing. Not a bad motor and for a gasser very reliable actually. But trust me, if you aren't towing or don't need it to tow at least 1-2 weeks a month, forget it. Save the cash, get a used F150, they are out there, just have to look a little harder.

As Bowdog said, the front ends, especially in those have a horrible wobble. Most came standard with a single front end steering stabilizer but if not replaced often(every 2 years), they are worthless so plan on that, or get a dual one. I believe those also still used the leaf spring front suspension so the ride won't be awesome, but it's also not a luxury truck like the F150's were made to be from 04 on.

Personally, I would stay away from a V10 simply due to MPG, but that is just me. Figure maybe get 10-11 avg I would think, and about 6-7 towing anything. If you squeeze 13 avg out I'd be surprised. granted gas is cheaper than diesel, but the loss of power and torque vs a diesel to me isn't worth it.

I understand your price concerns, but if you look hard, you can still find something what I would say to be a little better and easier on the pocket than a V10 F350.

Just my 2 cents.

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  Hoblick said:
Why buy american when you can buy a toyota or nissan and have a truck that will last?

I have looked at Nissan Titan's and a Toyota Tacoma. It seems the Nissan's in that price range are high mileage vehicles at around 200K. The Tacoma i looked at was an 06 with 95K miles. I was nice and i would have been willing to come up on my price limit for it. Then i found out what they wanted for it......$20K.

What does seem to be at my price point are domestic trucks in the mid-2000 model years.

As far as my current towing needs its pretty minimal. I tow a 18ft boat to the lake with my Grand Cherokee and a 1/2 ton would be fine for that also. But i have been thinking about buying a larger boat that is Lake Erie capable unlike my boat now unless there are perfect water conditions. In which a 3/4 ton would be capable. As far as MPG's i think most any fullsize truck that fits my basic requirments would get something in the teens at best. On a average week i drive maybe 30 miles. I live 1.5miles from work and the babysitter in on the way. If i had to do 30-40 miles a day MPG's would be alot higher on the list of things to consider.

With all that said i am open to most any kind of truck. This just happens to have the lowest miles on it. Still in the looking stage but willing to pull the trigger on a good deal.

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i bought my Titan LE with offroad package, fully loaded, leather heated seats, quad cab.

100k on it, for $13k

only issue it had was a loose heat shield which i still havent fixed.

thing runs like a top, we took it to florida in march and towed 2 bikes.

deals can be had on them you just gotta look

any 4wd truck will cost you, but for me i wanted to stay under 15k and get a reliable truck.

i have owned fords, and chevys, and they werent reliable. i wont touch a dodge lol

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im sorta steering away from Dodge. Even though i own 2 now that havent given me too much grief drivetrain wise. Ive had my Jeep for 6 years and has 90K miles on it and my beater intrepid has 130K on it and have had it for 8 years or so. I bought the intrepid used then. Both have been good cars. I keep waiting on something major to go wrong with the Intrepid but like clockwork it keeps taking me everywhere i want to go in it. Not to bad for a 17yr old car that gets driven almost daily.

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Dear god stay away from the V10!!!! I work for ford and those engine are lucky to see 100k. We get a ton of them with dead cylinders and blown rods. Not that the 6.0 or 6.4 diesel is much better but I see more of them last. Pm me if you need more ford tech advice

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  conn-e-rot said:
Do yourself a favor and take Hoblick's advice

Im definatley open to other vehicles. Its just the limit im setting for myself that excludes alot of options. Could i afford to spend more.....sure, but i dont want to. I'm really trying to stick to the 10K limit. Got to draw the line somewhere. Thats why i havent when out and just bought something already.

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I had 2 F150`s 05 and 97. Solid trucks. 97 had 138k when I got rid of it. the 05 has 93 on it now. Rebuilt the front end twice on the 97 and bought it new. I plan on getting a new 13 soon. Not to expensive to rebuild each time.

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I had a 2001 F150 Supercrew 4x4 with the 5.4L V8 and it was a very reliable truck and did anything I needed it to for the better part of 50k miles. Basically had normal maintenance and ended up replacing the worn out suspension. I have since swapped that for a '99 F350 dually with the 7.3L diesel and am loving it even more. Neither truck was/is a primary vehicle so I wasn't concerned much with fuel economy. My main goal was to have something that could tow anything and be comfortable doing it. The F150 is a great all around truck and the F350 is built for towing.

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Our Rape Truck (Expedition) had 250k when I traded it in. We had the tranz done once. Windows and doors handles started getting funky there at the end. Hence the nick name Rape Truck. I would buy another one.

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  oldschoolsdime92 said:
off topic, but my ridgeline is more american than my colorado I sold! The origin percentages on my ridgeline had 90% USA.

Yea the company I work for made the prototype fenders and shit for the first one. We got a big ass cut out of one on are wall.

Edited by Dying Shadow
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I have a V10. 05 F250. as long as you DO NOT GET THE 4.30 GEARS, its not that much worst than a Diesel. I've driven 16000 since September. I can get over 16 MPG on the interstate. and i still get 15 with a flat trailer behind me. It drops to 12 with a 18ft v nose trailer behind it. I work very closely with another guy who has a '11 F250 with the 6.7L Diesel. he gets 18 Highway and his drops to 12 with his 24' vnose. Most these other guys don't have the first hand experience I do. The front ends are notorious in these truck. get the dual stabilizer the first time it needs it and be done. there is no reason it needs to be redone every 2 years. You dont need a 350 and will get worse gas milage just because its that much heavy that the 250. As far as the V10. It had some troubles in the first year (03) but they worked those out. and has proven to be reliable till 300,000+ miles.

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