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My endevour to stop smoking


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  Gunner75 said:
Ok so I've been smoking since I was 11 yrs old, I am 35 as of the other day, so doing the math that means I have been smoking for 24 years, and I have been smoking 2-3 packs a day for the past 3 or 4 years. Regardless what your thoughts are on smoking and why I should have never started to begin with isn't something I'm posting this for.

Ive tried many different methods to quit, all have fail. Welbutrin was prescribed for my by the Navy flight surgeon during my second year check up, completely useless other then making one feel better about themselves. I've tried nicotine gum (tastes like shit imo), Nicotine patches (I can have one on and still smoke 1 and a half pack), as far as Chantix goes, I've got to many reservations on it. Hypnotism is something I didnt consider because I think its more of a fad then anything. I've been doing some homework on Vaporizer E-Cig's. So far I have managed to make it 56 hours without a cigarette. That's the longest I've managed to go without a cigarette on any of the other stop smoking aides.

Has anyone else tried to stop smoking? Whats worked for you, what didn't work for you? I know a lot of people who say they quit cold turkey, and I have tried several times, I just cant do so. My will power sucks like hell. My ECig seems to do very well at curbing my cravings.

never started, but I quit drinking caffeine cold turkey. Very difficult to do, it's all will power, you have a mental and physical addiction, and must break both, I had bad headaches for 4 or 5 days after stopping the caffeine intake, and mentally I felt like I was always thirsty, water seemed like it did nothing for me. I also stopped drinking carbonated beverages during this time, which made it more difficult I think. But each week it got better and easier to deal with. You have to say to yourself F'that, and conquer it.

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Nicotine has been compared to heroin when it comes to the addiction level, ive heard and seen many "professionals" say that nicotine is as addictive or more addictive as heroin, but ive never done heroin before so I cant compare it.

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the only people I know successful in quitting just went straight cold turkey.

The bigger surprise was discovering you're 35, I had you pegged for a kid in your early 20s :lol:

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I quit on Jan 11, and was a non smoker for 70 days, then I slipped..now I am struggling about wanting to quit again even though I know I just did it for 70 days..It is a mind thing, you or me just want to do and then believe that I will...I found the lozengers worked well for me.

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Looks like I will be trying to quit, my Dr got on me about it today and wrote a scrip for chantix. Gonna starttaking it this week, see if it works. I'm very hesitant about taking such a psychoactive drug, I don't really like stuff messing with my brain like that. I quit on the patch for a year or so when I was 21, then slowly started up again. Hoping I can resist the urge while drinking. I only smoke 3 or 4 packs a week and most of that is if I'm having some beers, working in the garage or commuting in the car.

Not looking forward to the nightmares either, my dreams are strange enough as it is.

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I was hesitant of Chantix as well, had a lot of friends tell me that they had very vivid dreams and even worse nightmares, thats why I went with the Ecig. Still get my nicotine, and it doesnt have as many chemicals at cigarettes

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Stay on it man. Beat it into a bloody, carcinogen-riddled corpse and be done with it. If you're willing to protect your life with a gun, I'd be disappointed if you didn't do it by kicking cigs! ;-D

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