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Open carry lawsuit out of Dayton.


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Whether he was looking for attention or not is irrelevant... He might be the biggest fucking douche in the world... I don't know him or give a shit

being an attention whoring douchebag doesn't give the police the right to infringe on his constitutional rights.... He broke no laws, and there was no reason for the police to even interact with him

If I was the officer who was called to the scene, I would observe the situation for a moment to determine if any laws were being broken, and if they weren't, I would speak to the cashier who made the call and explain that oc is legal, to prevent further calls in the future wasting LEO time and resources

Gangbangers, murderers, people up to no good, etc generally don't go around open carrying their firearms.

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I've never had a problem with you or anything, but Damn dude... Your "logic" makes no sense at all... Someone flag this thread, I think magley high jacked tigerpaws account or something.... You sound just like him... Anything reasonable someone says, you either twist the words to make your own molested meaning of them, or you go off on some huge rant of fantasy scenarios and shit..... Dafuq

LOL. Not Magley.

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Why won't people admit this guy is looking for trouble? He has YouTube videos showing what he is doing. Officers are nowhere near perfect. Acting the way he does, things may escalate rather quickly one day, and bite him in the ass.

If he wants to educate police departments, there are better ways than this. If he wants to educate the public, there are better ways as well.

I never contended his right to OC. I don't think holding him briefly(the way he was acting), infringed on his constitutional rights. The charges were dropped.

I am pro-gun and pro-carry. I just hate how some people think anyone that carries is infallible.

I wouldnt go as far as to say he IS looking for trouble. I believe he did this looking to get an interaction, and looking to have police exposed for violating his rights, I said at the start that he has a habit of doing this, and that is what he does. It just doesnt give the LEO the authorization to violate the rights of the person either.

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He very well could have been looking for and interaction, but we don't know that all we know is that the police initiated the interaction.

The VSM instructor I train with alot has a saying. People, especially men learn by two things. Physical pain or financial pain. Since I can't inflict physical pain on you. If you shoot my 50 cent furring strip or 10 cent clip it will cost you 10 bucks each.

I bet depts. will learn to educate their officers a lot better if they get hit with a suit for violating ones rights then a letter sent to them in the mail asking them to train their officers on the subject at hand.

I'm glad you are pro gun/carry but you need to educate your self on your rights.

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+rep to you sir

I think that is because he would rather have a few rights violated than have to defend his rights from the start

I've sacrificed more than you know.

I'm not perfect, but I am trying to keep this thread civil/polite. Please do the same.

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The guy sounds like a fucking tool... Just out fucking off and trying to get an easy paycheck.... Best thing that could happen is the police following the law they're sworn to uphold, and not busting this guy's ass.... If the police hadn't violated his rights, he wouldn't have had a reason to sue, and maybe he would cut the shit and make money working like everyone else...... Yea, he's a dick... But in the end, the police violated his rights because they were either misinformed or simply didn't care

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I open carry everywhere I go, Ive had interactions with officers on a daily basis, and the local chief of police knows I open carry, he doesnt give a damn, his stance on it is, its those people who are carrying that arent supposed to be are the ones hes worried about.

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I open carry everywhere I go, Ive had interactions with officers on a daily basis, and the local chief of police knows I open carry, he doesnt give a damn, his stance on it is, its those people who are carrying that arent supposed to be are the ones hes worried about.

OC does not happen in Riverside. Hence, the story.

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OC does not happen in Riverside. Hence, the story.

Again, open carry does happen in Riverside, or there wouldnt be this story, Ive open carried all over the Dayton area, so that makes your idea of Riverside of not having open carry pointless

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Why won't people admit this guy is looking for trouble? He has YouTube videos showing what he is doing. Officers are nowhere near perfect. Acting the way he does, things may escalate rather quickly one day, and bite him in the ass.

If he wants to educate police departments, there are better ways than this. If he wants to educate the public, there are better ways as well.

I never contended his right to OC. I don't think holding him briefly(the way he was acting), infringed on his constitutional rights. The charges were dropped.

I am pro-gun and pro-carry. I just hate how some people think anyone that carries is infallible.

The Cops were looking for trouble when they violated his right to open carry. The Police work for us we do not work for them. They are our paid servants to protect the rights of the people. They are very familiar with open carry. All people should open carry at 4am when in a bad area. If they did it wouldn't be a bad area long. I hope the guy wins big if the courts find the Cops are guilty.

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The Cops were looking for trouble when they violated his right to open carry. The Police work for us we do not work for them. They are our paid servants to protect the rights of the people. They are very familiar with open carry. All people should open carry at 4am when in a bad area. If they did it wouldn't be a bad area long. I hope the guy wins big if the courts find the Cops are guilty.

They are not our servants, they chose to defend innocence people. They are providing a service to protect each of us, so if 1 person is concerned about their safety it is the officers job to make sure there is no threat.

I am very bias, my uncle is a Dayton officer.

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Big reason why I don't like open carry personally, of course I would have complied and gone about my business after I appeased the cops. Then I would have stopped in an complained to the chief about me being badgered by his officers for no good reason. Open carry is never going to be publicly accepted in most places, and honestly to me just seems a bit awkward and out of place. That is why I conceal carry and no attention is brought to myself, and no problems with the police, while I am minding my own business and within my legal rights.

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I have no issue with open carry. If this guy would if answered a couple of questions and shown ID this wouldn't of been an issue. The officer does have a right to ask questions for public safety. No you don't have to answer but there is no reason to be a dick if you truly care about gun rights.

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If he wasn't breaking the law, he should not have been asked for I.D.

I don't OC, but I believe in defending the right to do so.

Edited by C-bus
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So where is this law that specifically says one must carry their ID at all times regardless of where they are and what they are doing

Pretty sure if you have your CHL, that it is to be with you at all times "if" you are carrying. I think that all parties involved did a thing or 2 wrong, and I still don't particularly care for open carry. I was carrying on my person the entire time I was at the Epic ride, I guarantee that nobody knew. ;)

And I agree with this statement....................

“Given the time of the day, the location, and the fact that convenience store/gas stations are typical targets for robberies in the middle of the night,” Reiss said. “It would seem reasonable in the eyes of a police officer to ask someone who was carrying a gun if it was legally permissible for them to do so.”

Edited by Pokey
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Your only required to have your chl on you if you conceal. If you oc then the chl does nothing but offer an option

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

But..................how did he get to the gas station, if he was driving and carrying, his ass had better have a CHL. I find that the police did nothing wrong at all "this time", and I feel this is bad and unwanted publicity for the gun community.

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True but he couldve loaded or unloaded while in the truck.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

Sure.......now you are grasping for straws!!!!! :D

I also agree with this statement.......

Chief Reiss added: “With carrying a firearm openly, there also comes responsibility with that. People should realize that they may, given a certain set of circumstances, draw the attention of law enforcement. A responsible person would just identify themselves if there’s a brief check to be done and then they would be on their way.”

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Boy, this story would be all different if this "troublemaker" would've walked into that gas station while an armed robbery was taking place.

I'm for OC. I see it occasionally in my area. I don't freak out, I don't run looking for police to protect me, and I don't think the person carrying is an attention whore or about to commit mass murder. I don't have a concealed license. If I am scared enough to carry one of my firearms with me, its going to be on my hip in plain sight. Problem with that? Write your representatives.

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