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Open carry lawsuit out of Dayton.


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The video you posted, the one from your brotha from anotha mutha...he is completely correct from 3:40 to 3:49...but completely WRONG from 3:50 on.

Called in and made a complaint against what?

Open carrying?

A lawful activity?

Negative. Not a reason for suspicion/detainment/questioning.

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I personally don't think this means what you think it means.

Maybe this is a battle that needs to happen (again), but all these Youtubes of people baiting the cops to argue constitutional rights are certainly accomplishing a goal of creating more awareness regarding the laws around the rights to carry, search and seizure, etc. But I think the general public are going to land on the other side of the fence, stating that they can't believe it's legal to walk around openly carrying a gun, including fully loaded "assault" rifles. I think the only reason they don't know is because it doesn't happen very often.

The problem here is that most non-gun owning individuals (notice I said non-gun, not anti-gun) would think an individual walking down the street with a rifle on his back is a potential threat. I know I would, and I'm really really pro-gun. So these people call the cops, and then later find out that the person wasn't acting illegally, to the shock of the people calling the police.

Now imagine this scenario happening more and more in our current anti-gun climate, and here comes the anti-gunners touting a new "common sense" measure that people shouldn't be allowed to walk down the street openly carring a gun. My perception is that most Americans would agree that this should not be legal, as it is impossible to determine an armed individual's intent, creates panic, blah blah blah.

My perception, and it could be wrong, but I doubt it, is that the general public would agree that open carry should NOT be legal. The only reason that it is still legal is due to the lack of awareness. Whether or not it remains legal after people become more aware is yet to be seen.

Had a big thing typed up then my computer froze. Basically I agree on most Americans image of the scenario. But we are slowly making progress.

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Had a big thing typed up then my computer froze. Basically I agree on most Americans image of the scenario. But we are slowly making progress.

I hope you aren't basing your opinions just on what is going on in Ohio. This is what arguments for gun rights are looking like in other parts of the country.


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The video you posted, the one from your brotha from anotha mutha...he is completely correct from 3:40 to 3:49...but completely WRONG from 3:50 on.

Called in and made a complaint against what?

Open carrying?

A lawful activity?

Negative. Not a reason for suspicion/detainment/questioning.

No matter what the law may be in regard to a states open carry law, it is rarely going to be in favor of the law abiding citizen without some friction. I would still show my ID and CHL out of respect for the officer, but I don't have to like it or agree with it. I like my example of a female being totally within the law to go topless in Ohio, so just imagine that happening in public in front of many eyes. It is going to cause alarm, and the police will be called to investigate the situation and or question the person doing so. She is doing nothing wrong by law, and she is not hurting anybody by doing so. Same can be said for open carry as well, but once again it is public alarm and the police getting involved that does make all the difference. We don't have to like or agree with the negative consequences that will more than likely occur from the public or the police, but it is what it is. If a person feels that strongly to openly display a firearm, or a female wants to go topless because it is their right by law to do so, then I say by all means go for it. Be prepared to deal with the potential consequences of doing so, and then decide how you will deal with it when the police come to talk with you. Our choice to open carry, and our choice to cooperate with police or not...it really is that simple. Did you watch the video of the college kids walking through town with an AR15 and their side arms, and how well the police officer handled that? I loved how at the end he asked them how long they were going to be walking up and down the street, because the calls were going to keep coming in. The officer also made some very good points as to why they ask for cooperation on their request for identification, so to me personally it just is not a big deal to cooperate and then go about my business. Very few open carry for just this reason, too much fall out and negative perception is going to come your way. I have talked to a few of my gun toting friends, and they agree 110% with me on how I would handle a situation like that, they also said they would show ID and cooperate the best they could. The older I get, I am much less inclined to feel like pushing my luck. I like to keep a low profile and not draw attention to myself, I have no desire to make it into the paper or the news over something like lawful open carry. My weapon will be concealed, and not a damn person will know otherwise unless I tell them. I remember when you had no desire and saw no need to carry, you thought we that did were paranoid for doing so. Why the big change in the last couple of years, just curious is all? :) So I do see your and others point in all of this and I do not totally disagree, but I should not be less thought of just because I choose not to push my luck. Nothing more I can add or contribute to this thread, some agree with me and some don't......and I can sleep very well at night regardless of opinion.

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I remember when you had no desire and saw no need to carry, you thought we that did were paranoid for doing so. Why the big change in the last couple of years, just curious is all?

I told you why a few months ago...either by text or on the phone, I can't remember now, and I even asked you to look into "it" to see if you wanted to join.

For my own safety, I can't say what is it publicly.

No offense, you're still my friend, but from the way you sound in your beliefs, I don't think "it" would suit you.

No worries, we're all free Americans that have the right to do as we please...for now.

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I told you why a few months ago...either by text or on the phone, I can't remember now, and I even asked you to look into "it" to see if you wanted to join.

For my own safety, I can't say what is it publicly.

No offense, you're still my friend, but from the way you sound in your beliefs, I don't think "it" would suit you.

No worries, we're all free Americans that have the right to do as we please...for now.

I looked into it and am familiar with it, and no I don't believe I will pursue that. My beliefs toward what, you kind of lost me there? And we do not have the right to do as we please, that is why laws are put in place, even when those laws are up for interpretation. Just because I choose not to open carry, and just because I choose to cooperate with law enforcement even when "the gray area" comes into play, doesn't mean I am any less of a patriotic American and value my freedoms and rights any less than you. I will pick my battles and I will stand and fight for much worse situations and degradation of our rights. Police no doubt handle the open carry situation very poorly in many instances, but many times only the bad situations and confrontations are readily known "like Dayton". FOR EXAMPLE: You would whip the guys ass right in front of his child, who made the stupid decision to sit his kid with a melting ice cream cone on your motorcycle, I would handle the situation differently. Does that make me a wussy or less of a man for not resulting to violence, is it worth scaring that kid to death seeing his stupid Father getting a beat down? That is why me must choose to open carry, not carry, or concealed carry, but we have a choice don't we? Police acting this way toward open carry is nothing new, has been going on way before we started video taping them or recording them. So until all Police get with the program "not gonna happen", I have no doubt this will continue to be a touchy subject. The police were very wrong in the Dayton situation IMHO, but many will feel he could have easily avoided that by making some different decisions. That is life........ Glad I am still your friend, because you feeling differently toward me over something as trivial as this would be sad.

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I hope you aren't basing your opinions just on what is going on in Ohio. This is what arguments for gun rights are looking like in other parts of the country.

Wow. just wow. how does that ole saying go? Take away our 2nd Amendment and the rest will follow? 1st Amendment just got stomped.

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Wow. just wow. how does that ole saying go? Take away our 2nd Amendment and the rest will follow? 1st Amendment just got stomped.

That's Chris Christie for ya. The guy is mor lib then anything and the rhino right want him in the Whitehouse at some point

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

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OUr forefathers were surrounded by like minded people who had experience a tyrannical government. We are surrounded by people wanting government to give them everything.

QFT. Most of this county is from another county anymore, and where they came from their government didn't give them shit. They know they will get everything handed to them here. When's the last time you went to an ATM and didn't have to pick English for the menu. I live in America and we speak English, if you want Spanish you press the fucking button!

Now what were we talking about?

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QFT. Most of this county is from another county anymore, and where they came from their government didn't give them shit. They know they will get everything handed to them here. When's the last time you went to an ATM and didn't have to pick English for the menu. I live in America and we speak English, if you want Spanish you press the fucking button!

Now what were we talking about?

I know several Russian immigrants, a few Albanians, and a bunch of Croatians who would tell you that they come to this country because of the freedom and liberties we enjoy. They would also tell most of us that we don't know what its like not having freedom but they see our freedoms being stripped away by the likes of idiots in office and those of us who would blindly "cooperate" with an oppressive government.

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QFT. Most of this county is from another county anymore, and where they came from their government didn't give them shit. They know they will get everything handed to them here. When's the last time you went to an ATM and didn't have to pick English for the menu. I live in America and we speak English, if you want Spanish you press the fucking button!

Now what were we talking about?

ALL of this country is from another country. That's kind of the point.

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One of the most patriotic people I've ever met grew up in Algeria... He knows what it's like to not have freedom and appreciates it here more than most who are born here

He came here legally and worked to earn citizenship.

The people who are a problem are all these fucking hajis that the government is bringing in from Kenya and Somalia who would rather spit on this country and abuse it than contribute... Don't pay taxes, get everything free and handed to them.... They aren't immigrants, they are parasites.

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