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Music Review...


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Those of you who know me, know that I have a very wide range of musical tastes. My old man and I didn't have much in common but music brought us together. Music has had a huge impact on my life. Everything from Slayer to Muddy Waters and Stevie Ray Vaughan to Alice Cooper,to Snoop Dogg.

I purchased a CD not long ago that I didn't have high hopes for. I kept seeing all of this stuff about Machine Gun Kelly, and I had to check this dude out for myself. Long story short; I dig a majority of it.

Hes not quite the typical rapper. He's actually got a message. Granted some of his songs are typical radio played rap songs, but some of them really hit me. Stereo for example.


I really like this song in particular because, its talking about a kid discovering music for his or herself. It reminds me of me as I was growing up listening to anything I could get my hands on just to hear something I'd never heard before.

He also has a catch phrase I like: " Lace Up". Now this could mean anything to anyone. Its all personal interpretation. For me, it means taking care of business in the day to day. Doing what's right for your family and yourself.

another song I really like is " See My Tears"


If you really listen to the song, its ( IMO) is talking about how hard work will make you succeed. He was on the bottom and has overcome and done what everyone thought he could not do. He might be skinny dude rapping, but it takes a big person to go against the "typical" and do what he or she feels is right. I feel hes really speaking from his heart. He's not just rapping about big booty bitchs and pimping this hoe and that.

I have no idea my true purpose of this thread other than to make convo.


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You dont need a reason to convey the heartfelt impacts of music, especially when it's life altering. That's the beauty of music bro.....helps us escape, or enlightens our lives, or we identify with it if only for a moment if not forever. I have always loved music and hold true respect for all genres of it. Not only for the talent it takes, but also what it does for us all. I've never met anyone in my life that did not like music of some sort......has anyone?

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Yup. Not bad for a cleveland boy and a much needed change of pace from this current rap BS. Good review.

I'm glad I'm not the only one whose noticed this nonsense thats going on right now. This dude is a game changer I believe. I love old rap. Talking about day to day and the struggles of life. Stuff normal people can relate too.

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I've met a few whom really had no musical preference, or particular care for it. It blew my mind. Without music, I'd go crazy. end of story.

I would too. I use it at work, when I need to focus or when I get stressed out I just turn it up.

The songs with lots of fast guitar and drums work best for me.

Edited by snot
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I like all kinds of music I can generally pull something out of it. It has been a long long time since I have herd anything that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up and needed to tell everyone about it.

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90% of mainstream music today is just awful and I've been known to love terrible music. Its gotten so bad that I used to be such a huge fan of music and literally listened to it on average 8 hours a day that I barely even listen to any new music at all

when that MGK album came out it was right when I finished my man cave and I had that on repeat daily, fantastic album

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I don't care for what is on the radio. There is so much more talent in the underground, some of the main stream is OK.

One of my favs for guitar and drum work is predetermine sky by unearth.

I am a little bias but all the new Reefer Hut is awesome and really needs recorded.

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all the new Reefer Hut is awesome and really needs recorded.
I'm really excited to hear the new hut material!!

Me too! ;) We plan to take a break from shows for a while and get this stuff on disc, get some new merch together, and come back strong later this summer......I do have new window decals thanx to Quik :D

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