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Need Help - Youtube Video Idea


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Ladies & Gents,


So I have a youtube channel where I motovlog and post other motorcycle content. I have a prop I want to incorporate into a video, but have stalled on the idea.


So someone was pitching some items out of a storage unit and came across a back pack looking item. Before it hit the trash I picked it up and realized it was a batman prop. It had two parachute type strings. When you pull the one string, a set of batman wings extend out. When you pull the second string, the wings contract. The whole contraption is worn like a backpack.   I figured I could do some sort of funny parody video on the bike with this contraption.


Any clever ideas?



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You could always wear it wings out while setting down a wheelie to a stoppie to simulate a carrier landing, then do a high speed flyby with the wings in to mimic a supersonic F-14, all of course while wearing a only a fighter pilot helmet and a thong. Post up a link for us to mock and share once it's edited :lol:

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