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Insurance Company Is Ripping Me Off


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So since I moved to a different county (Delaware to Franklin) my car, motorcycle, and renters insurance went from about $118.xx to $155.xx. I’m highly pissed off.


I'm with State Farm, NO claims no accidents in almost 3 years and I’m 26 years old. Car - 2011 Mazdaspeed3, Bike - 2005 Suzuki SV650s, Renter's Ins - $50k. This is also with a 10% multi-discount. Mine you my deductable is $250, but that (supposedly) is only a difference of like $4 a month. I only have this low of a deductable incase I drop my bike etc bec new fairrings are about $ 800


I’m going to call my ins agent and respectfully inform him that the new rate is unacceptable. He will prob place the blame on someone else and not do a dang thing about it. Being that said….what does everybody go with for bike insurance…or know of any discounts they give OR possibly?


I'm going to make some calls today and see what other companies offer.


Any input is appreciated.

Edited by silentcropduster
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I just think $150 is rediculous for a 26 yr old w no accidents. I even tried to see if they offer defensive driving classes, they dont. I'm even a part time cop - I've taken many defensive driving/pursuit driving classes. IMO cops are some of the best abled to handle cars due to the fact of the above, and experience..yet still my insurance company wont honor SQUAT!

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That is the way it it's. Move to Cuyahoga and I bet you get over 200. For the insurance companies it's simple math. You move to a more congested higher crime area the odds of a claim go up.

Now go shop all the insurance companies. That is something everyone should do every two years our so.

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155 for a 3yr old car, bike, and 50k renters insurance? That doesn't really seem that bad to me...


it went up like $40 a month, i moved from 1 county 2 another that touches, sure it may have a higher crime rate, i could see maybe 5-10 at most, but $40? Come on thats total bullshit.


They even told me it goes down by a lil every year (before i told them i was moving) - unless they were BSing me, whic they prob were. Then when I ask them for other ways to get any type of discount they aren't willing to do anything. I inquired with then about the fact that..being a cop (which an ins company should realize i have more experience behind the wheel of a car and am way more aware of my surroundings then the normal person, its all about statistics right?), I work for Chase Bank - we have discounts for everything - but NOT thru State Farm.


I'm not looking for a hand out, but shit man $40 increase for switching counties is BS to me. If he'd of been like "OK - what if we do something to lower it $15 a mo" - it would of at least shown he was trying & gave a rats ass.

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You should know that State Farm as all insurance is simple logic based statistics. I'm surprised you don't pay more especially since you admit to having a claim about 3 years ago. Shop around and I would guess state farm would be cheaper. They aren't negotiable just because you want them to be. They out your info in the system and out pops your rate. It may go up and down as their logical statistics change.

Edited by turnone
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1-800-WHAH. Ever heard of COLA? Cost of Living Adjustment.


Insurance is all about risk management. Some areas of the country, state, county, city have higher or lower risk of claims. Move to a more populated area or an area associated with loss, rates go up. I have moved all over the country and from large towns to small towns, all with State Farm. Rates just adjust and that is why you alway take a really hard look at the cost of living in one area to the next during salary negotiations. I have turned down several jobs that just didn't provide enough career advancement to outweigh the financial and lifestyle change costs.


The increase you are talking about hurts but try going from $300 annually to over $1000 annually for liability motorcycle insurance. That is what happened when I moved from rural IL to Chicago.

Edited by Revelstoker
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You should know that State Farm as all insurance is simple logic based statistics. I'm surprised you don't pay more especially since you admit to having a claim about 3 years ago. Shop around and I would guess state farm would be cheaper. They aren't negotiable just because you want them to be. They out your info in the system and out pops your rate. It may go up and down as their logical statistics change.


No claim 3 years ago, I've been with them for 3 years is what I meant lol

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1-800-WHAH. Ever heard of COLA? Cost of Living Adjustment.


Insurance is all about risk management. Some areas of the country, state, county, city have higher or lower risk of claims. Move to a more populated area or an area associated with loss, rates go up. I have moved all over the country and from large towns to small towns, all with State Farm. Rates just adjust and that is why you alway take a really hard look at the cost of living in one area to the next during salary negotiations. I have turned down several jobs that just didn't provide enough career advancement to outweigh the financial and lifestyle change costs.


The increase you are talking about hurts but try going from $300 annually to over $1000 annually for liability motorcycle insurance. That is what happened when I moved from rural IL to Chicago.


$300 annually to over $1000


 that's a big kick in the balls!

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You moved to Delaware. One of the fastest growing areas in the country for the past 5 + years. This does not surprise me one bit. As Chris stated, it's all statistics based. High growth area, I'm going to guess a higher per capita income rate, more expensive cars, houses, apartment complexes, you name it. It all adds up to higher rates. Shop around, you may find something cheaper.

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Try riding a sport touring/standard that insurance classifies as a supersport...a z1000 would run me about $350/6mo. My bike which is a z1000 runs me $900/6mo...all because kawasaki put ninja on the bike.

Oh and my insurance coming from Ohio to Nashville doubled.

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My 650 and wife's elantra both went up this year.. State Farm idiot bitch agent said it was because cost of replacement parts is up....

I don't buy it. The bike devaluates more each year so they pay less when you file a claim, same with the elantra.

Well see what our home owners policy does when it comes due I August. If it goes up at all... Ill be finding aee insurance company for everything.

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