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Helmets give you whiplash? :lol:

Congratulations, that's the most retarded statement I think I've ever heard on ohioriders.

Don't grab the front brakes on that Harley too hard bro, you'll fly right over the handlebars.

I suggest you only use the rear brakes.

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Wow, this got out of hand quick. :threadjacked:


I'm more interested in racing in any form (even 2 drunks in a 100 yard foot race outside a bar at 2am in January) than I am in watching the fuse get lit on somebody's tampon, but the fuse got lit on this one.


I will weigh in on this as a person who wears helmets all the time and split one in a crash 19 years ago. Less than a quarter mile after pulling out of my driveway I came over a hill to find a car stopped in my lane. I really don't remember anything about the wreck but I was told later that I was going 45mph when I parted ways with my bike ( a beautiful blue/green/white 92 ZX7). I was told I landed on my feet facing the wrong direction but still going about as fast as I was on the bike. I immediately got slammed to the pavement head first. I woke up in the hospital that night with a broken foot and the worst headache I've ever had. The doctor told me they needed to keep me to monitor my brain swelling. It had swollen up as far as it could and if it were to go anymore they would need to start cutting holes in my skull to relieve pressure. The next day they showed me my helmet. It had split from the base in the back all the way around the top and stopped about an inch or two from the eye port on the front. I was also informed by the same doctor that my brains would have been all over the road had I not been wearing a helmet and that I had taken the hardest head-hit that he had seen somebody live through. I tend to think he was right because I know how much pain I experienced as a result of this wreck. I remember pulling out of my driveway and then waking up in the hospital that night. Everything in between is lost. Did I get whiplash from my helmet? I really doubt it and if I start experienceing pain from it years from now (or even today) I'll deal with it and continue to ride because helmets have afforded me these extra days and years that I probably wouldn't have had otherwise.


What you do is your business and I honestly don't care. I know several people who don't wear helmets whether they ride Harleys or everything else. It's your life live it how you want. I just thought I'd weigh in with what I KNOW about helmets.


Can we get back to racing now???? :crazy:

Edited by 2fat2fly
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Damn 2fat... Sorry about your whiplash bro...

Glad you're still kickin :p

Thanks Butters. Wasn't crying about it, I was just trying to point out the usefulness of having one and the pointlessness of arguing being dead and whiplash free.

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What you do is your business and I honestly don't care. I know several people who don't wear helmets whether they ride Harleys or everything else. It's your life live it how you want. I just thought I'd weigh in with what I KNOW about helmets.


Can we get back to racing now???? :crazy:

THANK YOU. As said, if anyone wants to or not to, its up to them. If i dont wear a lid, and you do, ok. if i do and you dont, ok. Just saying, My Uncle Dave has been in OVER 60 mc wrecks. most were other driver/rider eroor. That dude hasnt ever wore a lid. law or no law, he has been sideswiped and is now legless on the left side but still here to tell his tale. Anyways, back to racing.....


Since This is my thread and I am a grown up, I will back away from arguing with trolls. and the lil red and green boxes, o well, hit all my posts as red, i dont care. i thought they were something else. oops. wasnt trying to harm anyones lil online reputation. oops


So since we are back to racing, I have some awesome news. At least I feel it is AWESOME news. I have so far found a lether jacket and a ol racing suit. AND a new tank set is being made and for these 3 gentlemen, I am thrilled for. I knew some great things were to come and I knew I would achieve my goal this year. I have a friend who MAY have found the shifter I need and that is a big burden lifted. I cant wait to be back out on the road riding and stopping to help fellow 2 wheeled riders out. I also just finished a set of carbs I could ve used a little help form you older honda riding guys. So now I have a Harley to work on for a friend and another friend who wants to build a drag bike.  His is a Kawasaki so I might need a little help coming up on that aspect.

Racing my Harley will be interesting. With the engine being mild to moderate, I am thinking a qtr mile run should be somewhere around 12-14s but who knows. could run 16s or could run 11s. For the rest of this year I will be working mainly on take offs and setting the bike up. Burnouts has me a little worried. hope the brake works great. Im sure a few on here would pay to see me fail but I will get back up and keep on doing it.


So as we are back to racing hopefully, I would like to know some info on making a ignition kill cord. Whats the best thing to us? kind of things. I was told that a lot of street guys will just tie a string around the plug wires but that seems like it could go bad real easily. So what yall think?

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OOOOh...i get it. Helmets are bad for your spine. Gotcha.


I havent ever had whiplash from braking with a helmet on lol. Maybe you need some riding lessons.


As for being stuck up - you obviously dont know me. All i do is have a good time lol, ask anyone here whose met me.  im not even sure what a "bsa" is, but whatever lol.


I was wondering when the noob butthurtedness would start flowing in


"Eehhrmagerd I wanna delte this thred becuz of trololololols. wwhhaaaa sumbody call tha wwhhaaammmmber lamps!!!"



If you get upset so easily, this may not be the right forum for you bud. Just sayin.




OOOOh...i get it. Helmets are bad for your spine. Gotcha.


I havent ever had whiplash from braking with a helmet on lol. Maybe you need some riding lessons.


As for being stuck up - you obviously dont know me. All i do is have a good time lol, ask anyone here whose met me.  im not even sure what a "bsa" is, but whatever lol.


I was wondering when the noob butthurtedness would start flowing in


"Eehhrmagerd I wanna delte this thred becuz of trololololols. wwhhaaaa sumbody call tha wwhhaaammmmber lamps!!!"



If you get upset so easily, this may not be the right forum for you bud. Just sayin.



sadly man, i doubt it is. ive learned qquick, forums a re mostly trolls with nothing better to do than start some useless bs. this is a thread about racing, not helmets. lets move on pass immature and ignorant responses that have nothing to do with racing. and hey man, if you are such this cool great dude with all kinds of riding experience and knowledge, hell, lend me a lid, ill wear it just for you. if anyone was really interested, they can pm me and ill locate and send them all the info on helmets by the head neck and spine foundation. or whatever its called. Ive spent 100s of hours figthing laws to manditorize helmets. its my right to decide as i am an adult. so move on to a helmet thread or get this back to racing. its not that im mad, i am not, im irratated with ignorance. thats all

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So as we are back to racing hopefully, I would like to know some info on making a ignition kill cord. Whats the best thing to us? kind of things. I was told that a lot of street guys will just tie a string around the plug wires but that seems like it could go bad real easily. So what yall think?

That's a very bad idea. Find a 12 volt power wire coming off your run/kill switch on the right handlebar. It should show 0 volts when the key is off and 12 volts with the key on. Cut that wire and run 2 wires from it to a connector of whatever sort you can come up with. A jet ski kill would work in this situation. When wired correctly the dead man switch has to complete the ignition circuit or the bike won't start. Track tech officials occasionally check this and will fail you if it doesn't work.


These from MPS are the most popular and reliable in my experience.




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That's a very bad idea. Find a 12 volt power wire coming off your run/kill switch on the right handlebar. It should show 0 volts when the key is off and 12 volts with the key on. Cut that wire and run 2 wires from it to a connector of whatever sort you can come up with. A jet ski kill would work in this situation. When wired correctly the dead man switch has to complete the ignition circuit or the bike won't start. Track tech officials occasionally check this and will fail you if it doesn't work.


These from MPS are the most popular and reliable in my experience.




DUDE, THANKS. that greatly helps. I wasnt trying to do the spark plug wires. It seemed a really dumb idea when I heard it and a lot of dudes said they do it that way. WOW. but thanks. I am looking at the links now so that was appreciated muchly

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You're welcome. You want your bike done right. That doesn't mean expensive, it just means "right". When other competitors look at what you're riding you want them to think that you care enough about yourself to do things the right way and that makes them feel better about lining up next to you.

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I wouldn't worry to much about burnouts until wheel spin becomes a problem. Until then I think your justwasting a tire. In the pic i posted it looks like I'm carrying the front wheel. If it isn't then there is almost zero weight on it. Not once did I do a burnout. Also some passes were on cold tires. Granted I wasn't launching really hard, maybe holding at 8k rpm. I still had to ride the bike home and don't like totally abusing it either. I was just there having fun and legally wringing out my bike. I will probably be there again a couple time this year to do the same. Wouldn't mind doing the Ohio Mile this year also!

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I always burn out but its always on a tire I'm about to replace. I'm waiting till next spring to start dragging again when I get my zx14. Wheel spin is one of those things you have to worry about when you get a liitle too throttle happy with practice one can minimize wheel spin as well as tac up

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Thanks guys. Hell yeah. I wasnt too worried about doing any big burn outs yet. I don't think I will be pushing enough HP to worry about tire spin. Just thinking, its really not about the launch in ET since you race a clock, not the competitor. Consistent is the key, I do know that. I am mainly concentrating on leaving the line and not red lighting. I cant wait. I envision that first pass about a million times a day. The journey is a lot longer than a qtr mile. I learned that quick. A lot of blood and sweat  has went into my ol 69. I love it and love messing with it. The whole deal is just an opening opportunity to prove I can build, race and work on motorcycles, specially Harleys, for a lot less than most others. Im in to make a big name for myself as an innovator and a magician with motorcycles. I want to be the dude magazine readers read about. I'm not a show guy or flashy. Just fast and quick. Good handling mean machines. There is a man working on a tank set up and as much as I wanted to make them myself, I don't have the available materials and tooling. It's coming but at a slower rate than I hoped for when I bought my bike. The simple things turn difficult at times and the difficult gets easy

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You're wrong. This forum is not without trolls, true, but Butters is not one of them. He is simply trying to make you see the error of your ways regarding helmets and safety gear. You see, this is not a national forum full of faceless members. Most of us regular contributors are friends who have met and rode with each other and actually care about the welfare of other members. So, when an uninformed noob comes here and starts spouting off about something such as helmet use being dangerous, he has to expect some backlash. Our members take safety gear very seriously for very good reasons. Many of us have had our hides saved by the same gear you are claiming will give us whiplash from heavy braking, which is complete horseshit.

dude, get your heads out of the clouds. not every friggin person wants to be just a like. man yall are really some trolls with no apparent life. i have better shit to do than read troll script. move the hell on. go preach helmet safety to the ky bikers association. them dudes will tear your helmeted head off with facts you lame brains cant figure out. i do not have a friggin helmet, therefore i do not wear one. troll somewhere else and let this thread be about racing. steve is a troll, id be happy to tell him again. if yall are not trolls, why are you on a thread about racing and there was never helmet talk before my thread was highjacked by troll [atrol, shit man,

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Nothing personal dude, but maybe you should wait to build a race bike until you can afford it.

You can't race at any track I've ever been to without full leathers and one a dem God awful brain buckets that will rip your head off when you pull the chute anyways.

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All I got to say is butters and maxx are cool as hell to hang with and toss a few back. Just get to know some people on here first man and I'm sure they will be glad to help you out. If not they will run ya off sooner or later, I haven't been here long and seen it happen a lot.

Edited by Dying Shadow
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.... actually care about the welfare of other members.....





I definitely care about my member. Always have. Not sure if anyone else cares about it though.

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