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2wheel, i guess ill have to snap some pics. i HAVE seen dudes wearing flip flops and tank tops. i see ALL DAY the geniuses who wear cut off shorts, wife beaters and full face lids. reallly? does that make ANY sense? i dont think it does but i dont get all leathered up either, i wear my jeans for now and maybe chaps if its raining or cold and a t shirt or my HD team racing jacket. not the smartest of things to wear but, its what i have.


Crazy, dude i dont have to stick my wang in a dudes ass to know i wouldnt like it. sorry man, i dont bust anyones chops for what they want to ride. ok, maybe one of my friends but hell, they know if something goes wrong, they'll bring it to me first. i mainly dont like the way 'other than old Harleys' look or sound. that and I love and always have loved chopped and fast Harleys. lets drop the brand stuff. its like having a piss in the wind contest. nothing is done and everyone gets wet. know what i mean?


Bad, ok, bust balls all ya want, i dont care. i dont need teachers teaching me how to spell or write. its life. ya know what i mean when i type it. all is forgiven, just let the forum be about mc riding, racing, building, whatever, as long as its mc related.

Now i guess its time to go take some pics of the shorts n tank top riders and the Sons Of Anarchy guys, I wont even get started on that shit. There are too many 15 mile bikers in the world. im here to learn, talk to others, get ideas and maybe help others out if I can. I dont know a whole lot about much but i know a little about a lot. now back to wrenching on my old harley. it might not be pretty, it might not be new, it might not be fast but its all me and mine. id rather get along and maybe even meet up with yall and go catch some wind in the hair, lay down some rubber and make gas into noise and pleasure

Edited by Ironheaddragster713
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If you refuse to wear a helmet, good luck finding people here to ride with you. Nobody wants the imagine of your brains plastered on the asphalt. (except maybe MT, but he's a sick twisted little fuck)

You really know how to sweet talk me lol. Thank you :)

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If you refuse to wear a helmet, good luck finding people here to ride with you. Nobody wants the imagine of your brains plastered on the asphalt. (except maybe MT, but he's a sick twisted little fuck)

go back and re read that post. i NEVER ONCE said I refuse to wear a lid. I just dont HAVE ONE. I will have to find my old info though. Just to prove something about helmets. My Bell I used in car racing was stolen. a badass bell dominator. but you can call Shoei, Simpson, Vega, and the Kentucky Bikers Association and talk to Jay Huber about helmets. The best quality helmet, is ONLY gurenteed for 12mph. If a 5 ft 9 inch man or woman falls from standing up forward, they fall at 17mph. I was part of going to the KY state cap in the later half of the 90s to lobby against helmet laws. It shouldnt be mandatory. Its your brain, you do with it as you please. Now with that said, would it be SAFER to wear a helmet and shorts n a wife beater OR pants, and no helmet? answer, neither. You're on a mc, if you hit the front end of a school bus at 60-80mph, how well is that helmet going to protect ya? OR, say you are riding down the road, minding your own business and you have on your full body leathers, a helmet, neck brace, gloves, racing boots and a life jacket just added i for kicks and some jerk runs a red light and smashes you with their prius, you tell me how good all that gear is when your chest is through your back and your legs and head gets torn off. just saying. not always are helmets a good thing.


Now one more piece of verified facts, a helmet without an accident is worse than not. think of the air pressure lifting on the bottom of the lid and pushing your neck back. puts a lot of presure on your neck. again, just saying. I have no problems with helmets but its MY right to decide. do you understand what im getting at? not trying to be rude but just some facts for you. Now, off in the woods or a race track, you wear a helmet so your brain pan dont smack up against a roll bar or flying debris dont take your face off. it would be dumb to go lidless in the woods because branches sticking out and rocks and dirt flying. i think it is up to the rider. if YOU hurt yourself and your brain comes leaking out, its YOUR fault, not mine, but if you ride a lot and later in life you have a major neck issue, again, your decision. i dont care who wants or dont want to ride with me. thats a real motorcyclists words right there. o wait, i dont know ANY bikers who would not ride with someone because they dont wear a lid. if they do that, they re a fony. bikes are bikes and bikers are bikers. there are a lot of different types of each out there. see what i mean man?

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can we get back to racing? these last few posts have NOTHING to do with racing. just saying. i dont judge anyone until they do something for me to judge them, i think id rather be judged when i do something to be judged for. this is a big issue with forums. i tried one a long time ago, it was some all sportster group and it was a foney drama session, id really rather not go through that bs again

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go back and re read that post. i NEVER ONCE said I refuse to wear a lid. I just dont HAVE ONE. I will have to find my old info though. Just to prove something about helmets. My Bell I used in car racing was stolen. a badass bell dominator. but you can call Shoei, Simpson, Vega, and the Kentucky Bikers Association and talk to Jay Huber about helmets. The best quality helmet, is ONLY gurenteed for 12mph. If a 5 ft 9 inch man or woman falls from standing up forward, they fall at 17mph. I was part of going to the KY state cap in the later half of the 90s to lobby against helmet laws. It shouldnt be mandatory. Its your brain, you do with it as you please. Now with that said, would it be SAFER to wear a helmet and shorts n a wife beater OR pants, and no helmet? answer, neither. You're on a mc, if you hit the front end of a school bus at 60-80mph, how well is that helmet going to protect ya? OR, say you are riding down the road, minding your own business and you have on your full body leathers, a helmet, neck brace, gloves, racing boots and a life jacket just added i for kicks and some jerk runs a red light and smashes you with their prius, you tell me how good all that gear is when your chest is through your back and your legs and head gets torn off. just saying. not always are helmets a good thing.

Now one more piece of verified facts, a helmet without an accident is worse than not. think of the air pressure lifting on the bottom of the lid and pushing your neck back. puts a lot of presure on your neck. again, just saying. I have no problems with helmets but its MY right to decide. do you understand what im getting at? not trying to be rude but just some facts for you. Now, off in the woods or a race track, you wear a helmet so your brain pan dont smack up against a roll bar or flying debris dont take your face off. it would be dumb to go lidless in the woods because branches sticking out and rocks and dirt flying. i think it is up to the rider. if YOU hurt yourself and your brain comes leaking out, its YOUR fault, not mine, but if you ride a lot and later in life you have a major neck issue, again, your decision. i dont care who wants or dont want to ride with me. thats a real motorcyclists words right there. o wait, i dont know ANY bikers who would not ride with someone because they dont wear a lid. if they do that, they re a fony. bikes are bikes and bikers are bikers. there are a lot of different types of each out there. see what i mean man?

Never go full retard.

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ok, wow, that may have read wrong. Ok, i will admit myself, helmets do save a life and they are good for certain happenings.  AGAIN, crazy, we have this thing about reading. I stated in racing and off road they keep heads from banging and flying debris. shit, they do that in hockey, football and baseball. so what, helmets are not all bad, they are not all so great either. for every action, theres a counter action. duh, if you go slide down the road/track, a good pair of leathers, boots, gloves and a helmet is really going to be nice. a semi head on at 90, aint gonna friggiin matter. thats my point. it is every persons right to decide. I wouldnt mind wearing one. IF I HAD ONE. I dont. I guess I was lucky. Anyone want to go buy me a helmet, I'll gladly wear it, with certain stipulations. nothing pink, mohawked or anything too exotic. But I dont have one. Even if I had my Bell, I wouldnt wear it on a mc on the street


Migit, can ya make that a hooter and come over? hahaha.


Anyways, guys if YOU want and what I want was the same, there would be no debates in the word. I know I SHOULD wear helmets and all this but facts are facts. I dont ad I'm here telling you I dont. I will get one asap, how about that? Is that going to drop the helmet subject????

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I didnt say I advocate helmet laws. Just think you're a fucking retard for not wearing one. :)


And call me "fony" biker all you want, but I wouldn't go on a ride with someone stupid enough to not wear a helmet.


Want a hint? Most people here share that sentiment also. Show up for an OR group ride dressed in your jeans and t shirt and wicked awesome sunglasses and you will see.


P.S. I probably ride more miles in a week than you do in a month, call me a "fony" all you want, but go ahead and think that over. I'll be out riding while youre at home cleaning oil spots off the garage floor and polishing aluminum to make your bike faster :rolleyes:

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dude, you really need reading and comprehension skills lessons. Nope, im not mad, you actually helped prove a good solid point. Some folks just cant handle life without having to have everyone doing as they do. its a waste man, let life and people be who they are. but you wont, you will just troll and troll looking for bs to start man, I ahve seen your kind way too often. all you do is sit on the net and troll and harass folks for nothing but to make others as miserable. yer just too cool. a real cool guy.


Go look up neck and spine foundation and see what they have to say about the long term stress on your neck that a helmet causes. also look into a lot of things to do with helmets. while they do good, they cause harm. go take your helmet off, ride down the road and hit the brakes. now, go do it again with your helmet and tell me how much more force gets put on your neck. in many cases there has been reported whiplash and severe neck injury from the extra weight on your neck. things to think about for your next post. im sure itll be how retarded i am and how you re too cool to ride with me. a, wouldnt want ya to anyway. b, you re too stuck up to have a good time and c, you seem like a bsa to me. maybe other suck up to ya or follow your pitiful example. I cant see why you havent floated on to another subject where you say the same thing over and over.  I see this thread going nowhere. maybe i can delete it and start oa post called troll free good times

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LOL he is just going and negative repping all my posts like it matters for something....


damn guy, you cut me deep.


i gave you a little negative back, now you can see how it feels! *sniffle*

I gave ya some positive back to fix that.
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OOOOh...i get it. Helmets are bad for your spine. Gotcha.


I havent ever had whiplash from braking with a helmet on lol. Maybe you need some riding lessons.


As for being stuck up - you obviously dont know me. All i do is have a good time lol, ask anyone here whose met me.  im not even sure what a "bsa" is, but whatever lol.


I was wondering when the noob butthurtedness would start flowing in


"Eehhrmagerd I wanna delte this thred becuz of trololololols. wwhhaaaa sumbody call tha wwhhaaammmmber lamps!!!"



If you get upset so easily, this may not be the right forum for you bud. Just sayin.




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