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Jim And Angela's 2013 Us Tour


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Ahhh, Grayling as well. Many, many trips there. Hartwick Pines. Bear Archery...but no Camp Grayling, ha, but camping. UP, not uncle punk up, Iron Mtn. And the Falls, upper and lower....and almost moved to Copper Harbor, year round population is 9....I think the snow marker there is like 25 foot, as in deep.

Just out of Grayling is Bear Lake, guy there moved on to the UP as too many people now at Bear Lake....I think it was up to 5 or 6 cabins then. Bob Seeger has ( maybe had ) a place there....Dingman's Bar....yeah....thanks for the memories

So all said and done .... Settled on civilization in Holmes County.....

; )

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Had a pretty wonky May. Had to go to Cleveland for 3 weeks which excited neither of us but Angela had a final exam, and I had a few major family issues that required attention. We also decided to move our belongings to Phoenix as we plan to settle eventually in the SW. That was a long drive but glad its done.

I'm behind on the blog big time but will get caught up soon. Right now we're in Seattle for a wedding this weekend. I intend to write more this week and start posting.

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We just passed one year and one week today since we left Cleveland.  Never would have guessed we'd be where we are right now on that day. 


The blog is in process still, however Wordpress "improved their site" (read: they removed some features to "make it easier", but in turn made it more of a pain in the ass) so I'm in need of relearning how to upload in a manner I like. 


We're still in Phoenix, but I have a lot of stories to write about our time in New Mexico, and I'll include a little on our trip back to Cleveland, and the adventure of moving all our stuff out here. 

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I realized I let this thread slip again. Traveling has ceased at least for a little while. I accepted a job in Irvine, CA and we've been here since early August. So far it's been decent. I like that I am still riding to work and it's been fun exploring the area. I don't know how long we'll be here but we're trying to make the most out of CA while we are. Hopefully Angela can find a job soon and we can put some more gas money away.

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