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Wierd Phone Call


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Sooooooo, I just got a call from some pissed off dude. Apparently his girl is creepin' and when he called her out on it she tried to weasel her way out of it by giving him a fake number of the person that was their. Well that fake number was mine.

I answered the phone and he starts going off. Talking about all these people I dont know, how I just left her house and how he's about to shank me yada yada yada. Also he's going tofind out where I live by GPS-ing my phone (IDK if you can even do that). Normally I would have just hung up on someone like that but I was bored and just went with it.

So after chatting with him for a bit I convince him he's getting played and was given the wrong number. So where do we go from here...........................JOIN FORCES AND CALL THIS BITCH OUT! He says he is going to her house and he is going to call me when he gets there. I cant wait till he calls back! I really hope he does. This is going to be GREAT!

To be continued......

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bought a trakphone for my kid (12) to use when he is out around the neighborhood.

I got..lots..of phone calls from area 216...I'm profiling, granted, but without really going out on a limb..they sounded Black, late teen, early 20's. I guess whoever had this phone # before me was a player..ignored at first, then answering politely saying what I typed out blah blah. Quite a few said sorry wrong number, but a number of assholes hung up, or questioned the sincerity of me..

so,  I started answer his phone "Sgt Standalone (no, really...'stand alone') , Precinct Two Homicide".....calls dropped off pretty quick after that, and they ALL hung up

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Sooooooo, I just got a call from some pissed off dude. Apparently his girl is creepin' and when he called her out on it she tried to weasel her way out of it by giving him a fake number of the person that was their. Well that fake number was mine.I answered the phone and he starts going off. Talking about all these people I dont know, how I just left her house and how he's about to shank me yada yada yada. Also he's going tofind out where I live by GPS-ing my phone (IDK if you can even do that). Normally I would have just hung up on someone like that but I was bored and just went with it.So after chatting with him for a bit I convince him he's getting played and was given the wrong number. So where do we go from here...........................JOIN FORCES AND CALL THIS BITCH OUT! He says he is going to her house and he is going to call me when he gets there. I cant wait till he calls back! I really hope he does. This is going to be GREAT!To be continued......

Careful you may become an accessory to domestic violence.

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So he called back just like he said he would. So we go thru the normal greetings like were old friends or something. Then he goes are you ready im going to put you on speakerphone and im like yeah man go ahead. This is when I proceed to tell "Ivy" I have no idea who she is or who this guy is on the phone. She starts yelling something I cant under stand then he asks me if I live in Piqua, which we already discussed in the first phone call. Then I hear her say who the fuck did you call and he starts yelling "the god damn number you gave me!". He asks me to tell her my name so I did and told her that you got him calling the wrong guy. I hear her say the phone number is 5XX-3213 and yells "thats the same fucking number im calling!" He says thanks and I tell him goodluck.

Here is where one of them was mistaken or the other is lying again. My phone number is 5XX-3231. LOL!

Medina: The person you described sounds just like the guy that called me.

I always mess with people that send me texts that I don't know but never a situation like this.

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I received a call once from a guy, he told me he caught his wife with hellmutt behind meijer in my van. I explained it was not possible we don't own a van. He was upset they lied about the dudes name and number. He apologized and never heard from him again.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I once got a call from some random person who started off with "I'm going to jump on your head until you stop moving"


Apparently he was upset at what I had done to some girl he knew.  I managed to calm him down asked him who he was trying to call.  He rattled off a phone number that was a couple digits off mine.  Even when he realized he had the wrong number he was still a dick.. "I'm gonna come over there and.."  "Come over where?  You don't even know what number you called!"

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Ive had it happen as well. Once was actually by my buddy who was with his friend and decided to play a trick on me. Unfortunately my mom was in town for that exchange. It started off with hey man, Im calling you about my money. and basically went down the path of you owe so and so and he owes me so now you ow me type of thing. After a few min of trying to explain they had the wrong number calmly, they started in on Im gonna show up at your house and rattled off my full name and actual address. At this point I was pretty confused and tried again letting them know they had the wrong person. they kept going getting more and more threatening about coming over. This went on for a bit until I basically snapped with something along the lines of Ive told you 3 times now youve got the wrong person, if you show up at my house, you'll be leaving in a F'ing bag do you hear me asswhole. My mom was a bit in shock to say the least. At that point. I hear roaring laughter on the other end of the phone and Im like WTF. Thats when my buddy decides to speak up and give up the gig. What a dick... 

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Ive got a funny one. There's an app u can get on android phones called prank dialer. It's free but u have to listen to a 30 second add and it limits ur call to 120 seconds or so. U can call another # & make it so that on their persons caller ID screen any # shows up.


So I called my 1 supervisor at work with the other supervisors # @ 2am - and they both work @ 6am. He answered and I started making this noise like I was jacking off into the phone, then hung up.


The next day at work they were bother arguing "man u called me last night and hung up on me, sounded like u were masturbating or fucking ur gf or somehting" the other dude deny's it obviously. So he shows him his cell - proving it was his # calling him. The other would say that maybe he butt dialed him or something? lol


I did this about once every month for almost 2 years straight - I'd be dying inside laughing my ass off the next day at work when they both argued haha.

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Damn it snot nobody was supposed to ever hear that story. I'm so embarrassed. :nono:





So one of Hellmutts buddy's was banging some dudes wife behind Meijers in a van?

Or an ex of his lookin for revenge.

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