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Greatest Use Of A Raspberry Pi Yet.


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I use the Torque app on my phone.  Lets me do wireless bluetooth to the OBD2 port and then allows you to overlay gauges over what the phones camera is recording.  It can also overlay a google maps image of your location so you can see where you are on top of the other items.

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Rather than using post-processing on the Pi he should have used a text overlay board.  I have one on my dashcam (have had it for 5 years) that reads serial GPS data (4800 8N1) and overlays it on the video image prior to the DVR.




What I don't have is throttle position, but for the road that's more trouble than it's worth from a liability perspective.  On the track it'd be much more useful.


I've been looking to replace the speed on the overlay which is in knots, with MPH.  I tried creating a pre-processor using a Zilog Z8 chip and I had it working on the prototyping board but could never find the time to make the leap to a standalone board.  I'm going to use an Arduino to try to achieve the same thing.  Right now the speed is in knots and I have 5 chars to play with so I was going replace "39.1" with "45MPH" 


I also want to replace the heading from 5 chars in deg to cardinal directions and tail light status, so...


Headed north with my left furn signal on changes from "0.0  " to "N  l"


I'd use L for left turn signal, R for Right, H for headlights (ie no turn signal)  R for reverse and 4 for 4-ways.  The letter would be in lower case when the brakes are off, and upper case when the brakes are on.  That way I can represent any important combination of tail light status.  I probably don't need a headlight status as my car has DRLs so my headlights are always on.  Braking, turn signals and backup light are the most important.

Edited by Scruit
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Rather than using post-processing on the Pi he should have used a text overlay board. I have one on my dashcam (have had it for 5 years) that reads serial GPS data (4800 8N1) and overlays it on the video image prior to the DVR.

What I don't have is throttle position, but for the road that's more trouble than it's worth from a liability perspective. On the track it'd be much more useful.

I've been looking to replace the speed on the overlay which is in knots, with MPH. I tried creating a pre-processor using a Zilog Z8 chip and I had it working on the prototyping board but could never find the time to make the leap to a standalone board. I'm going to use an Arduino to try to achieve the same thing. Right now the speed is in knots and I have 5 chars to play with so I was going replace "39.1" with "45MPH"

I also want to replace the heading from 5 chars in deg to cardinal directions and tail light status, so...

Headed north with my left furn signal on changes from "0.0 " to "N l"

I'd use L for left turn signal, R for Right, H for headlights (ie no turn signal) R for reverse and 4 for 4-ways. The letter would be in lower case when the brakes are off, and upper case when the brakes are on. That way I can represent any important combination of tail light status. I probably don't need a headlight status as my car has DRLs so my headlights are always on. Braking, turn signals and backup light are the most important.

Neat. What's the point? Is this geared towards evidence for if you get into an accident or do you just have way too much free time?

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The pi is cheap until you buy storage and an os. I like the mk808 series android computer sticks. More powerful processor, more ram, onboard storage, comes with software, easy to reflash a new Rom...the only disadvantage to the pi is I/O is limited to 2 usb ports and an hdmi out.

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