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Quick Trip Turns Into 120 Miles.


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A quick ride after getting off work today sounded like a real good idea.

I haven't ridden much this year.  There was that spill I took, back in

April, on the 555, just before the Epic ride out of Logan, with Doc and

many of you folks.  A pair of bent handle bars kept me from joining in

on all the fun that weekend.


With rainy weather, heat, and things needing done at home, my time on

the road this season has been much less than what is required to keep

me happy.  Today, on the way home from work, I decided that I was going

riding, even if it was only a trip down and around Buckeye Lake and

back up to Newark.  That was the plan.


When I got home, I got a bite to eat, geared up, saddled up, and headed

out. I'd gassed up at the end of my last ride, so after checking my tires all I

had to do was hit the road.  It was six o'clock when I pulled out of the



Sharon Valley Road is a fast way to get out into the country, from

where I live in town.  That's the way I went.  I took it to it's end, in Welsh

Hills, and hung a right.  The plan was to skim across the top of Newark, 

on Price Rd, and over to Cedar Run, north on Fallsburg Road to Dayton

Road, and then drop back down on the east side of Newark, near the

"Basket."  From there, I planned on hitting Staddens Bridge Road to

Rt 668 south, 204 west, through Thornville and Millersport, then up 37,

and head home through the back door into Newark from West Main

Street.  Well, that was the plan.


I hit Fallsburg Road, somehow missed Dayton Road, and kept going.  It

was a nice day to ride, and I didn't care.  I ended up in Fallsburg and

decided rather than getting too much farther away from home, since I

have to work tomorrow, I'll just hang a right onto 586 and drop down

into Zanesville.   So, 586 to 146, and into Zanesville I went. 


I don't know my way around Zanesville.  I fumbled around a little and

finally got my bearings.  I figured I would go south of the freeway and

probably take 22 into  Somerset.  Well, that was the plan, revised.


Have you ever headed out, didn't really know where you were going,

just picked a direction and went?  Those seem to turn out to be the

best rides.  I was enjoying this one.  It was evolving as I rode.


I remembered that the mouth of the dreaded 555 was somewhere

south of I-70.  After a couple wrong turns, a quick check of Google

Maps put me on the right track.  I couldn't resist.  I hit the 555 and

headed south.


I must have missed a rain shower because the road was wet.  There

was a sign saying something about the road being closed on

weekdays, but I didn't pay any attention to it.  I just kept going.


The temperature was just right and I was enjoying myself.  I was also

being careful.  That road is a tricky one and I didn't want to limp my

bike back home a second time.


Shadows were getting longer as the sun was slowly falling out of

the sky.  It was time to find a route back home.  The map showed

that in Deavertown, instead of turning left and following 555 south,

I could just go straight and take 669 west, and then north, into

Crooksville.  That's what I did. 


669 heads west out of Crooksville, on Ridge Avenue.  I made a left

and headed west.  Once I connected with SR 13, went through

Somerset, and turned north, it was smooth sailing back to Newark.


I didn't want to take 13.  Up here, above New Lexington, it's straight

and it's boring.  But, like I said, shadows were getting long, and I

have to get up early in the morning.


I saw several groups of riders and some solo riders, like myself.  

I wonder which of you I passed today, out on the road. 


I pulled into my driveway just before dark, with 102 miles on the

clock.  It was not my intent to ride half as far as I did, but once

you are out there, and it's feeling good, it's hard to not keep

going.  Heaven help me if I ever start riding towards California.


Monday and Tuesday are my days off work.  The weather for both

days is looking good, so far.  Who's up for a ride?


Monday - 74 degrees with no rain.

Tuesday - 80 degrees with 20% chance.





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I do it all the time. Just random turns left and right on a general heading. Sometimes using a lot of tiny back roads that just look interesting. More direct to go home when it gets late, but still avoid freeways for the most part. Usually a full tank of gas, about 200 miles. 3 or 4 hours. Exploring. Some times I'll hit the Ohio border, before starting back.

Edited by ReconRat
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