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Finally, Obama Secures The Southern Border....


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the border is secure... well as secure as 2,000 miles of land can reasonably be controlled.

Everyone complains about how much money the government spends, then complains about how things they want done aren't being done...


pick a side, government needs money to do things... want to cut the deficit? stop spending money, but don't be surprised when your government run service isn't up to par.

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Cut the fat. Feed the services that need fed. It's not rocket surgery.


The services you think need fed may or may not be the services I think need fed...


For example, some people think border security needs a bigger budget...

Personally, I think the border is fine, and we should instead spend that money on infrastructure, roads, bridges, a new power grid, and renewable energy...

Other people feel education is where the money is most needed...

Still others think the military is too restricted...

Edited by magley64
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No I mean cut completely. No more welfare food stamps medicare etc...


The hungry mobs and unwashed masses

would overwhelm the amounts of ammo

you have saved up, and eventually eat

all your stored food, and maybe your dogs

and cats too.


It can't be cut all at once, but it can be

whittled down a little at a time.  Cut 10% a

each year on all government spending,

across the board until we stop bleeding.


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The services you think need fed may or may not be the services I think need fed...

For example, some people think border security needs a bigger budget...

Personally, I think the border is fine, and we should instead spend that money on infrastructure, roads, bridges, a new power grid, and renewable energy...

Other people feel education is where the money is most needed...

Still others think the military is too restricted...

Why do people always make this argument with the difficult to cut things. Let's start with the simple things first. After all its only common sense to do that. Since you feel the boarders are ok how about we cut two billion by not helping Mexico secure theirs?

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