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Teens Beat Wwii Vet To Death In Spokane.


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Are you fucking kidding me?  Burn these fucking shitbags in the streets.  Seriously, Salem Witch Trial shit.


What was he doing?  Waiting outside a lodge to walk a lady home. Unbelievable.

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Are you fucking kidding me?  Burn these fucking shitbags in the streets.  Seriously, Salem Witch Trial shit.


What was he doing?  Waiting outside a lodge to walk a lady home. Unbelievable.


yes, cause that's how our free and democratic society works...


I have a better idea... How about we put them on trial, and let a jury of their peers review the evidence and come to a verdict... Then we have some authority (perhaps a judge of some sort) suggest a punishment for their crimes... Just an idea...

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yes, cause that's how our free and democratic society works...


I have a better idea... How about we put them on trial, and let a jury of their peers review the evidence and come to a verdict... Then we have some authority (perhaps a judge of some sort) suggest a punishment for their crimes... Just an idea...


And once convicted, provide an extremely appropriate and public punishment that will (hopefully) deter said crime in the future.

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And once convicted, provide an extremely appropriate and public punishment that will (hopefully) deter said crime in the future.


Exactly.  Gotta make sure we burn the right fuckers.  I'm not a crazy person.  Leave it to Magz to always suggest someone meant something they didn't.  Just to be safe:



- Thoroughly investigate who committed this act!

- Track down the most likely suspects!

- Read them their Miranda Rights!

- Arrest those fuckers!

- Hold a grand jurty!

- Indict these bastards!

- Give them a court-appointed lawyer if they can't afford one!

- Charge them with only the appropriate crimes they deserve!

- Have a trial by jury of their peers!

- Allow them their 5th amendment right to remain silent if they so choose!

- When the jury returns their verdict of GUILTY, sentence them to DEATH BY BURNING AT THE STAKE IN THE PUBLIC SQUARE!

- Proceed with said burning.

Edited by smashweights
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Exactly.  Gotta make sure we burn the right fuckers.  I'm not a crazy person.  Leave it to Magz to always suggest someone meant something they didn't.  Just to be safe:



- Thoroughly investigate who committed this act!

- Track down the most likely suspects!

- Read them their Miranda Rights!

- Arrest those fuckers!

- Hold a grand jurty!

- Indict these bastards!

- Give them a court-appointed lawyer if they can't afford one!

- Charge them with only the appropriate crimes they deserve!

- Have a trial by jury of their peers!

- Allow them their 5th amendment right to remain silent if they so choose!

- When the jury returns their verdict of GUILTY, sentence them to DEATH BY BURNING AT THE STAKE IN THE PUBLIC SQUARE!

- Proceed with said burning.


I'm pretty sure that falls under "unusual punishment" in our constitution. But this is why you elect judges, to decide proper punishment for crimes.


Yeah, they probably just asked him for some money and he refused. What a mean racist white man, right Magz?


I have no idea what their intentions, provocations, or motives were... I've got no information regarding the circumstances...


That said, my position remains consistent with my values: investigation, trial, conviction = punishment, Aquittal = freedom...

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Strange the CNN article neglects to identify the attackers as African Americans.  There has been an uptick in black on white violent unprovoked attacks since the Trayvon Martin trial.  Scary stuff.

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Strange the CNN article neglects to identify the attackers as African Americans.  There has been an uptick in black on white violent unprovoked attacks since the Trayvon Martin trial.  Scary stuff.


Congratulations, you have achieved the intended emotional response... News media thrives on fear and outrage...

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I'm pretty sure that falls under "unusual punishment" in our constitution. But this is why you elect judges, to decide proper punishment for crimes.


It's only unusual because it's not currently used and therefore, usual.


That said, my position remains consistent with my values: investigation, trial, conviction = punishment, Aquittal = freedom...


Sweet brag, your position is consistent with everyone else's values. Again no one has said "burn the first person we suspect of this crime without due process or regardless of the verdict."

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It's only unusual because it's not currently used and therefore, usual.



Sweet brag, your position is consistent with everyone else's values. Again no one has said "burn the first person we suspect of this crime without due process or regardless of the verdict."


No i meant consistent with my position on the TM/GZ case... as opposed to the all too common knee jerk reaction, blame the black guy...

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Congratulations, you have achieved the intended emotional response... News media thrives on fear and outrage.



Your comment is more than a little confusing.  Did you only read the last two word of my post? 


If the news media was intending to provoke fear and outrage with this article, it would seem to be a good idea for them to identify the attackers race.  I'm not saying the news media doesn't thrive on fear and outrage.  But in this case they are intentionally leaving out facts because they have an agenda.

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Your comment is more than a little confusing.  Did you only read the last two word of my post? 


If the news media was intending to provoke fear and outrage with this article, it would seem to be a good idea for them to identify the attackers race.  I'm not saying the news media doesn't thrive on fear and outrage.  But in this case they are intentionally leaving out facts because they have an agenda.


They intentionally put the words "WW2 Vet" in the title to provoke outrage...  would it have made it to ORDN if it had been a random 88yr old homeless man? Nope...

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I'll personally always be outraged when juvenile thugs kill a WW2 vet (homeless or housed), whether a biased media tells me or not.


That was my whole point, had it been 2 juvenile thugs killing an 88yr old tax accountant you wouldn't have even heard about it... it wouldn't be on this site being discussed.


congratulations, you've been emotionally manipulated by the press.

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"Caucasion Hispanic": Manipulation


"WWII Veteran": Factual Information

caucasion hispanic = Made up

WW2 Veteran = irrelevant


Factual, yes... but doesn't make him any more or less dead Nor does it make his death any more or less tragic...

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How is the fact that the man murdered was a WWII veteran "irrelevant"?  Now you're adjusting you're argument to prove your first talking point: We're all fools for having a visceral reaction to a media story.  Which by the way, is stated in a manner that seems to say "anyone that falls for the manipulating medias stories of violence and sorrow is gullible and unable to discern important from unimportant, but you don't fall for those tricks and are somehow, therefore better."


Seems like an excuse to not pay attention, or better yet a reason to be uninformed.  Sweet dude....


When the fact that the man was a WWII vet becomes irrelevant, that's the same time we are all simply SSN numbers and statistics.  Nobody can make that argument and back it up intelligently.

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