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US Military Action in Syria  

39 members have voted

  1. 1. Should the US military strike Syria?

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More pot stirring.


You may remember that the "can't afford it" part came after we were several years into the wars.  That was due to a recession that was precipitated by a housing bubble pricked by a huge spike in oil prices.  The housing bubble came from idiots lending money to people to buy houses they couldn't afford. 


Funny how that keeps coming up.

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More pot stirring.


You may remember that the "can't afford it" part came after we were several years into the wars.  That was due to a recession that was precipitated by a housing bubble pricked by a huge spike in oil prices.  The housing bubble came from idiots lending money to people to buy houses they couldn't afford. 


Funny how that keeps coming up.




Go read about the national debt please. It was $6.2 trillion 6 months before the Iraq war started. I'd say we were at the "can't afford it" part way before the housing bubble burst.

Edited by CleaveTheGreat
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Go read about the national debt please. It was $6.2 trillion 6 months before the Iraq war started. I'd say we were at the "can't afford it" part way before the housing bubble burst.


Go read the trend in the table you cite please.  Debt increasing ~$550billion/yr pre-2008.  Then $1 trillion in 2008 and almost $2 trillion in 2009.  But hey, thanks for proving my point.

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Go read the trend in the table you cite please.  Debt increasing ~$550billion/yr pre-2008.  Then $1 trillion in 2008 and almost $2 trillion in 2009.  But hey, thanks for proving my point.


You said that the recession, caused by the housing bubble, was the reason we couldn't afford the Iraq War. I posted something showing that we were already $6.2 trillion in debt before the war started, which was 4 years before the recession started. My point is that we couldn't afford the war before the recession. What exactly is your point? That we could afford it even less once the recession started? Not much of a revelation.

Edited by CleaveTheGreat
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New boss, same as the old boss. Massive debts and senseless wars.

Our only shot at handling our fiscal mess is to get enough independents elected to pass a balanced budget amendment. But then it would still need to be ratified by enough states.

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Would you two just fuck and get it over with?

Our country has been going to hell on hockey skates for decades now. Republican, democrat, makes no difference. The waters of politics are so throughly poisoned by corporate glad-handing and special interest now that it doesn't matter what kind of marionette is dancing, the strings all go up to the same hands. We pretend that we're not slaves just because we get to periodically vote in new masters.

Fuck Syria. Fuck anyone that's not in the northern half of the western hemisphere. Its time we worried about us.

I agree with this post.

And go fuck yourself.

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Would you two just fuck and get it over with?

Our country has been going to hell on hockey skates for decades now. Republican, democrat, makes no difference. The waters of politics are so throughly poisoned by corporate glad-handing and special interest now that it doesn't matter what kind of marionette is dancing, the strings all go up to the same hands. We pretend that we're not slaves just because we get to periodically vote in new masters.

Fuck Syria. Fuck anyone that's not in the northern half of the western hemisphere. Its time we worried about us.

Damned well said

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Would you two just fuck and get it over with?

Our country has been going to hell on hockey skates for decades now. Republican, democrat, makes no difference. The waters of politics are so throughly poisoned by corporate glad-handing and special interest now that it doesn't matter what kind of marionette is dancing, the strings all go up to the same hands. We pretend that we're not slaves just because we get to periodically vote in new masters.

Fuck Syria. Fuck anyone that's not in the northern half of the western hemisphere. Its time we worried about us.


Quoted for truth, and for making me spew coffee across my desk!

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quick question for the pro obama types, Say, congress says stfu, no- will he override with an executive order? NO president has never been denied. He's close.

What then? He launches any how with an exec order-


Putin just fell short of demanding to see the "evidence".  

And how ironic as has been pointed out, that these are possibly the WMD's the UN an Bush were looking for. 

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I agree, but are we willing to look the other way while the syrian government poisons it's own people? How big of an atrocity would it have to become to justify our involvement?

Saddam Hussein killed a million of his own people, invaded another country...broke 12 UN resolutions....used WMDs....and Obama and all the other anti-war lefties didn't feel this was justification. Kerry's push for this war is a nice added touch....as we all remember his famous support for Iraq..."I was for the war before I was against it."

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Hmm, how coincidental, m'eh, probably just me...but this is nearly the first anniversary of the Benghazi attack. Where was this troop of rescuers then?


Tuesday's CBS This Morning spotlighted the upcoming one-year anniversary of the Islamist attack on the U.S. diplomatic facility in Benghazi, Libya, but whitewashed the role of President Obama and his administration, including that of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Anchors Charlie Rose, Norah O'Donnell, and Gayle King didn't once mention Obama or Clinton's name during an interview segment with author Fred Burton.
a year ago, they killed some of us, now we're going to be helping them fight their enemy.
jus' me, or theres some irony here?
remember when John Kerry said  "How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake?"



Near the end of the end of the segment, Rose raised the issue of whether the incident was a "planned attack and not a surprise", but like his colleagues, didn't specifically mention that U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice had claimed that the assault was a "spontaneous - not a pre-meditated response" eight days later on several Sunday morning shows. CBS senior correspondent John Miller also hinted that Ambassador Chris Stevens was partially at fault:
JOHN MILLER: ...You've got an ambassador who wants to travel. It's September 11th. It's a symbolic day for threats. And this is very typical of the Diplomatic Security Service. They're a small agency with...a very limited number of people covering 450 outposts. And usually, there is (sic) two of them – or just a handful – in a high-threat place to cover a threat like that. When the ambassador says, I want to go from Tripoli to Benghazi, nobody gets to say, well, sir, that's a bad day for that. We can't let you do that. They just mount up and go. And this is part of that story.
Edited by Medina
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Nothing like fair and balanced news agency's blindly supporting an administration...






oh snap



Anderson Cooper and CNN have been caught staging fake news about Syria to justify military intervention.

The primary “witness” that the mainstream media is using as a source in Syria has been caught staging fake news segments.  Recent video evidence proves that “Syria Danny”, the supposed activist who has been begging for military intervention on CNN, is really just a paid actor and a liar.


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I'm not sure what will happen, but I'm glad we're going with congress for a change...


He is just stalling for whatever reason, and he is only doing it to make it "appear" that he is going through the process and proper channels. If the vote comes back as "NO" Barry is still gonna go. There WILL be boots on the ground, we are involving ourselves in a civil war, the only thing that can quiet things down for a while is a tactical nuke. Along with that comes much collateral damage, but boy would that send a message to the bad guys. Israel could demolish them all, but they won't........they want us to do it and for us to lose soldiers and spend our money doing it for them.

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