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Ariel Castro Dead In Prison


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Good riddance. Someone in genpop would have gotten to him sooner or later, or maybe did. 

Saved Ohio half a million, assume room temp you piece of shit-

Yeah, they claim he was in segregation, but funny how things "Happen" in prison for people like this.  Just wish I read way more of it for the sickos like him.


Saved all of us tax paying, law abiding citizens $$.

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As happy as I am that this will save some funds, I think it's an ultra-shitty slap in the face to the victims.

They spent 10 years inprisoned, and Castro takes the easy way out after less than 100 days? That doesn't sound like justice to me.

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I would like to second IP and Maxpower, their comments and ideas are basically how the justice system needs to be run, not this BS crap we have now adays.


DId anyone else see that his attorneys were looking into why it happened and requesting an investigation or whatever.  Who cares, why should we spend tax payer dollars on something like that?  And don't go all PC and give me so BS speach about his "rights" he didn't have any, just like any other convict shouldn't either.  The justice system in this country is an Fing joke.


For SandG youtube or something Russia's Toughest Prisons and watch that episode.  I think its off Discovery or some channel like that.  THAT is how prisons should be, awful, miserable, lots of suffering, low food, no internet, no TV's, nothing like that.  Black Dolphin Prison is exactly how prisons should be, you sit there and rot until you die.  The best comment in the show is there is only 2 ways of leaving this prison, Escaping which has never been done, or in a wooden box which is the norm.  That is direct from their "warden" or whatever they call them. 

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Yeah, they claim he was in segregation, but funny how things "Happen" in prison for people like this.  Just wish I read way more of it for the sickos like him.


Saved all of us tax paying, law abiding citizens $$.


Nothing "claimed" about it, there was no conspiracy or collusion or whatever.  There was no ninja inmate who managed to slip through undetected and stage the perfect crime.  He was in solitary but not on suicide watch, and he managed to do the deed in the 30 minute window that he had between guard rounds.  


Even if he hadn't killed himself, there is no way in hell this guy would have ever seen genpop.  Ever.


So why did he bother with a plea deal?


My guess is his lawyers.  There had to have been something given from the State to avoid a trial, and I'd imagine that was it.


Justice isn't the same as vengeance. No court could possibly give back what he took from those girls. The absolute best thing that could have happened would have been the neighbor sticking him with a fixed blade the moment he found those girls. Since that didn't happen, I'll take him ending his own life like a fucking bottom-feeding coward and low-life shitbag that he was. Fuck him. Fuck his memory. Fuck anybody that feels sorry for him. Those girls are better off knowing he's dead.


As always, well said.

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Karma is doing what he did to others and now having to stand before God and explain himself.  The fiery gates of hell await you........deservedly. 


Actually, karma is a Hindu concept, so he'd be standing before Ganesh, and even then he wouldn't be going to Hell (a Christian concept) but would be reincarnated instead.

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I would like to second IP and Maxpower, their comments and ideas are basically how the justice system needs to be run, not this BS crap we have now adays.


DId anyone else see that his attorneys were looking into why it happened and requesting an investigation or whatever.  Who cares, why should we spend tax payer dollars on something like that?  And don't go all PC and give me so BS speach about his "rights" he didn't have any, just like any other convict shouldn't either.  The justice system in this country is an Fing joke.


For SandG youtube or something Russia's Toughest Prisons and watch that episode.  I think its off Discovery or some channel like that.  THAT is how prisons should be, awful, miserable, lots of suffering, low food, no internet, no TV's, nothing like that.  Black Dolphin Prison is exactly how prisons should be, you sit there and rot until you die.  The best comment in the show is there is only 2 ways of leaving this prison, Escaping which has never been done, or in a wooden box which is the norm.  That is direct from their "warden" or whatever they call them. 


The counter argument would simply be Russia has these prisons and still has these crimes.

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