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Why The Hell Do People Do This?


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dont. get. me. going. on. texting.


I've seen worse out there.

I think the shining, top of the heap of beyond human stupidity.....had to be (envelope please)

1986, Florida, Three lanes of high speed traffic just a hair south of Tampa.

IN the high speed lane, an elderly man was changing his tire. 

As traffic closed, cars/trucks started shooting right, merging into a cluster fuck, and they started shooting left into the berm.

I had no where to go but stab at the brakes and slow down and shoot past the old man humped over the tire iron (car was already jacked up!) between another care sliding in the grass, and where that car was sitting. As I came to a stop. A HUGE semi started jack knifing...just like in the movies, towards all of us. How that trucker managed to jack it back the other way before it spilt over onto its side in the middle of the berm, God knows..really...god knows, cause we didn't. I remember walking up, shaking his hand and thanking him for not killing us all. The whole time this old man is STILL trying to get the tire off!! His wife sitting in the passenger seat just oblivious to the world around. 

ugh, f'ing humans, how we ever evolved out of the trees without wiping ourselves out is beyond me. 

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My guess would be the semi making a wide turn intimidated them and they probably didnt feel like racing to get ahead of it before the merge. Just a guess though.

If so then she should continue in her lane, match speed and merge behind the truck on the ramp. Stopping means that she now has to race to merge with the traffic BEHIND the truck. Either way, stopping in a clear open lane with a green light is NOT the way to do it.

And do you agree that being on a bike at the back of an unexpectedly stopped line of traffic is a bad place to be?

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when driving in cbus, i just assume all drivers (including bikers) are full retard ALL the time and expect them to stop in front of me at any given time, whether it be at an intersection, highway (just HAVE to make those 3 lane changes to get to the exit at ANY cost, including coming to a complete stop and causing a 4 car pile up between 23 and 315), ignore stop signs, light changes, etc etc etc.  cbus should generally be engulfed completely in flames if only for the absolute shit quality of drivers.  seriously, i like cbus generally, and enjoyed it when i was living there for 4 years, but people should just walk or take the bus cause they are incapable of driving with any amount of competence.

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I'm with Jinu on the overwhelming stupidity one can see on the roads in C-Bus.  I liked living there but I don't miss dealing with the idiots on the roads (and I can't say Cleveland is much better).


And I think Cooter nailed it....intimidated driver without a clue.  

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when driving in cbus, i just assume all drivers (including bikers) are full retard ALL the time and expect them to stop in front of me at any given time, whether it be at an intersection, highway (just HAVE to make those 3 lane changes to get to the exit at ANY cost, including coming to a complete stop and causing a 4 car pile up between 23 and 315), ignore stop signs, light changes, etc etc etc. 


I do this when driving anywhere...


Look at any driver, think of the worst possible move they can make, and assume they will make it... you'll rarely be disappointed.

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Yesterday on the way to work I come to a 'T' intersection. I'm in what would be the vertical of the T, in the left turn lane. Light is red. Idiot woman in right turn lane at the light is stopped. People in what would be the right horizontal of the T have green and are both going straight and turning left. Woman at light is still stopped. Irate man behind said woman begins to honk politely. Woman creeps up six inches. Man jinks rudely. Woman creeps again. Man honks, yells and gesticulates wildly. Woman moves not an inch. Light turns green. Woman ever so slowly and cautiously makes her right turn. Man bursts blood vessel in brain and can no longer see the color purple....the movie, not the actual color.

Most of the population of this state can't find their own asshole with two hands and a flash light. Why we let them drive is beyond me.

Edited by CrazySkullCrusher
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If so then she should continue in her lane, match speed and merge behind the truck on the ramp. Stopping means that she now has to race to merge with the traffic BEHIND the truck. Either way, stopping in a clear open lane with a green light is NOT the way to do it.

And do you agree that being on a bike at the back of an unexpectedly stopped line of traffic is a bad place to be?

It looked to me like the truck was right on the center line. She's probably a chicken shit driver that is soo overly cautious she doesn't realize how she makes it dangerous for others. Saw big truck and in her mind it was probably turning into her lane and she could have died had she not been soo safe and stopped. That's the mentality a lot of drivers have and you've got to deal with it. I'm not saying its right but its expected especially in that area 36/37 + 71 bring out the stupid in people especially on the east side of 71 there infront of the truck stop. Another awesome place is the sawmill 270 interchange i couldn't tell you the amount of people that have stopped in front of me while merging into moving traffic there. I can see why she did it but think it boils down to her being scared and an under aggressive driver. The type that will hit their.brakes on the highway because someone merged into their lane even though there is significant space between them. Or the type that will slow down because there are deer grazing a 1/4 mile from the road in a field because the don't wanna hit one. Edited by cOoTeR
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when driving in cbus, i just assume all drivers (including bikers) are full retard ALL the time and expect them to stop in front of me at any given time, whether it be at an intersection, highway (just HAVE to make those 3 lane changes to get to the exit at ANY cost, including coming to a complete stop and causing a 4 car pile up between 23 and 315), ignore stop signs, light changes, etc etc etc. cbus should generally be engulfed completely in flames if only for the absolute shit quality of drivers. seriously, i like cbus generally, and enjoyed it when i was living there for 4 years, but people should just walk or take the bus cause they are incapable of driving with any amount of competence.

Preach it. From a guy whos had to take evasive maneuvers after being merged into twice in 3 weeks of riding.

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There is a round about at the exit for my house down here. It's somewhat common to watch a car come up to the roundabout and either not stop at all or stop and then turn left into the wrong direction. Stupid and bad drivers isn't localized to a city or a state, it's an epidemic.

Edited by dustinsn3485
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There is a round about at the exit for my house down here. It's somewhat common to watch a car come up to the roundabout and either not stop at all or stop and then turn left into the wrong direction. Stupid and bad drivers isn't localized to a city or a state, it's an epidemic.

I thought the whole point of roundabouts was so traffic doesnt stop?

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