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Man Brought Back From The Dead After 45 Minutes


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I remember the news report about the Ohio man who was dead for about 45 minutes and came back to life.  


Both cases are fascinating with respect to how they're both fine with no apparent brain damage.  


And I find his closing comment even more fascinating.....I wonder what he saw on the other side.  

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Another one? Amazing.....and here's Tony's story ( who I've known and worked with for over a decade ).


A damn good guy to know, hell of a mechanic, and I'm thankful he's back. He's completely modest and humble about everything he does, he'd help anyone out if they asked, and this story is just another facet of his life to him. He didn't want/expect any attention about all that he overcame, and doesn't remember what happened at all. Just about as lucky as lucky can get.

When I started working with him back in '02 he was a scrawny little fella at maybe 150lbs, but he became the epitomy of health and fitness over 10 years time and ended up a fit and ripped opposite of his former self. Cardio for days on end, and had stacked on 75lbs of lean muscle mass. I couldn't believe how dedicated he was to fitness and proper eating habits. Consulted him regularly in my own efforts to lean out.

Last I spoke with him about lifting, he was shrugging over 500lbs each arm and freeweight benching almost as much. Not sure if his physical condition played a part in his 2nd chance, but miraculous all the same.

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Another one? Amazing.....and here's Tony's story ( who I've known and worked with for over a decade ).


A damn good guy to know, hell of a mechanic, and I'm thankful he's back. He's completely modest and humble about everything he does, he'd help anyone out if they asked, and this story is just another facet of his life to him. He didn't want/expect any attention about all that he overcame, and doesn't remember what happened at all. Just about as lucky as lucky can get.

When I started working with him back in '02 he was a scrawny little fella at maybe 150lbs, but he became the epitomy of health and fitness over 10 years time and ended up a fit and ripped opposite of his former self. Cardio for days on end, and had stacked on 75lbs of lean muscle mass. I couldn't believe how dedicated he was to fitness and proper eating habits. Consulted him regularly in my own efforts to lean out.

Last I spoke with him about lifting, he was shrugging over 500lbs each arm and freeweight benching almost as much. Not sure if his physical condition played a part in his 2nd chance, but miraculous all the same.


When I first heard about his ordeal, I was shocked that it happened to him since he looked to be in great shape. 


Thank you for adding some insight on him from the personal side, too, he sounds like a great guy and loving father.   

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being "in shape" doesn't mean he's healthy.  a fat person can be more healthy than he is.   there's no evdidence that shows over weight people die of heart attacks more than thin people.

that's a complete myth and you can look up as many death records as you please to find this out.  

Edited by serpentracer
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being "in shape" doesn't mean he's healthy.  a fat person can be more healthy than he is.   there's no evdidence that shows over weight people die of heart attacks more than thin people.

that's a complete myth and you can look up as many death records as you please to find this out.  


You must have stayed in a Holiday Inn Express recently.

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