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OR roadtrip feeler.....JENNINGS GP!


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Another organization is putting on an event the week of Valentines day.  It is by invitation only but based on sign up we might be able to sneak a few people on board. They take only 60 riders for Fri sat and Sun.  If there is any interst I will dig into further. 

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well, I called and talked to Jennings earlier in the week and the 7th is taken....turns out it was reserved before I first contacted.


There are some other days available in March, but none coincide with a track day weekend.  There are also some days available in Feb, but I left the list at work.


IDK, I'm tempted to just plan for the 8th,9th and 10th of March.  


Just so its on here, the rental days available you txt me were....


march 3rd, 14th and 31st . And Feb 3rd,7th,21st and 28th

Edited by Jester_
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Personally I would go on the later dates, only because I have the bike tore down and am making a ton of changes. Not sure il have the $ to get it back together for february, but will try if thats the date that works.


Quit crashing and BTW I'm in for any date.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Registration for Jennings track days are now open up to March 8-10!  Imagine these days fill up just as fast as the private weekends adjacent to Jennings trackdays....so pretty much now or never!



Mass quote action to get some attention from everyone who was seemingly interested.


I hate all of you.  I need a winter trip since I missed 1/3 of this season.  Jennings is a haul for what it is.  I enjoyed it but would be hard pressed to do that 12 hour drive again.

Well I now have the bike part taken care of... :)

I am interested. May depend on date. Have access to a trailer that can take two bikes, if anyone needs a spot.

Describing it as a burn may be a bit harsh.


Lets call it a tickle, and its not the worst thing ever.

My vote is the 7th as easier to take off the end of a week as opposed to the beginning.

If I go, I couldn't do the 3rd. I have a work function that weekend and I'm on the committee that helps run it. Would have to be the 7th for me too.

The 7th is perfect. Keep me updated.

Another organization is putting on an event the week of Valentines day.  It is by invitation only but based on sign up we might be able to sneak a few people on board. They take only 60 riders for Fri sat and Sun.  If there is any interst I will dig into further. 

Quit crashing and BTW I'm in for any date.

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More quotes lol



JENNINGS....or where ever, I just want to got to the track and have some fun!  


And how much it all costs !

We have a plan to pay for our trackdays !

Maybe. We shall see

Might be tempted myself.  but it all depends on the job situation.

Two slow I riders interested asI know my brother in GA would be up for it as well.


I have never done Jennings and it is on the list. We have run Roebling Road in Feb. and it was fricking awesome (weather and track).

I expect an invite and a Christmas card too.....lol

I would be down for a private rental day or two after the first of the year. I have friends in Jax that would likely contribute if there was room.

Well it was mentioned to me last year, I was unable to attend.

I think I was going to be used for passing practice, I am good with that...

I'd go, that's only 7 hours for me. I tried to do this a few years ago with a different forum, but they werent running a novice group so I was unable.

I should probably buy a bike before I say I'm interested, but I'm intrigued.

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If anyone needs some space for gear/tools etc we will have some extra space. Will have 4 bikes in there but can maybe squeeze one more in if it came down to it but would be a stretch. Would also need to find a ride down there as my truck is full.

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I'm getting my work schedule lined up tomorrow.


I may only do two days.


Dan can you still transport my bike ?


I need the inside of the trailer to be spotless before you load it up.

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Yup. I am counting on yours, Ryans, Tims and myself. You can inspect it with a white glove before hand. And whatever is beside yous will be in a chock or pitbull setup because I dont want to pay for anything that happens to that thing lol

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Hope you can make it Chuck, the trip won't be complete without the smell of premix and the ring a ding ding of that 500.  Not sure of their passing rules, but videos of intermediate show some mostly outside passes with a little on the inside, but nothing aggressive.  

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Everyone will be passing me the first day. Going to take it nice and easy, knock the rust off and dont want to wad my shit up on the first day when I have two more days I already paid for.

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