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Zero tolerance is getting way out of hand


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Ok, maybe i mis-read the article. Help me out here:


Drunk friend calls the girl in the article, named Erin.

Erin, sober, not drinking, drives after work to pick up drunk friend.

 Then the school punishes Erin and says Erin is in violation of the zero tolerance policy?


Which brings up another question. Beside the under age drinking in general being an issue for the parents to deal with and the police, how far does the scope of the school policy cover?

It was not on school grounds, or a school event, and not that the other kids were drunk in school or smoking in the bathroom?

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How dare they both be responsible, and lets punish them both for something that the school system has zero business sticking their nose in. Wonder when they will expell a student for getting pregnant "and the boyfriend" or having an abortion, how about a speeding ticket, what about surfing porn......scary shit folks, and the public school systems are doing some very very bad and questionable things. Home school is the way to go, and I have no doubt that will eventually be outlawed in the near future.

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