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Rural internet options...


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I worked on the main chip in the modems for that service. We are part of Viasat now.

Should be similar to Hughes internet service though I think speeds are a little better with Exceed.

With satellite internet you can get good bandwidth for web browsing, video or audio streaming and other bandwidth intensive applications like file downloads.

But there is a latency due to the distance the signal has to travel. The satellite is about the 26,000 miles high. A signal has to bounce off the satellite ad back to earth for a 52000 mile one way trip. Which adds about 1/4 sec to the link. This will make online gaming and interactive VPN service laggy compared to ground services.


Wildblue/Viasat is decent service. For $60 a month I can stream Netflix and surf the web no problem. Only issue is lag but I dont game so that doesn't effect me much. I posted some screen shots of my speedtest results in another thread. Plus add in all usage from midnight to 5 am is full speed and doesn't go towards you FAP.

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elighten what's wrong with my grammar mr nazi.

The word "it's" in this case is a contraction of the words "it is" and require an apostrophe to denote the missing letter.

Also, the word you are searching for is enlighten.

Edited by magley64
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Really poor grammar makes you look stupid.   Although, who cares?   We all make grammar mistakes.  English is an imprecise and overly-technical language with crappy rules full of exceptions based upon regionally diverse phonetic spelling and grammar conventions that were never even written down for hundreds of years and hardly agreed upon even then.  Pointing it out is the last refuge of someone who has no further logical arguments to make.   Perfectly valid to call it out for ironic purposes though.



Never forget that when it comes to grammar no truer words have been spoken than:  Judge not, lest ye be judged.

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