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CNN using scary headlines to make their stories interesting


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Headline is "What caused two 747s to almost collide?".  Subtitle is "How 747's came 100 feet from crashing".


Picture that in your head.  100 feet from crashing...


Then watch the video: 




The closest the planes got to each other was 3 MILES.  Yes, miles.  They had 100 feet of vertical separation, sure, but they were both going in the same direction move than 5 miles apart so that is ok.  They got closer than 5mi, were told to steer apart, but they both accidentally steered the wrong way.  They were told to steer away and they did.  But never came within 3 miles of each other.


Where the hell does CNN get "100 feet from crashing"? 


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The scariest part is that earlier (before take off), they were at the same elevation.


I was on a plane earlier this year and I looked out the window and saw we were only 50 feet from another plane.  Then they backed us away from the gate.

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I saw this the other day and cringed at the sensationalization this story got.  They were 100 ft in elevation away but 3 miles from each other.  CNN is becoming a tabloid.  Nearly half their front-page headlines are tabloid-esque.  It's sad really that in a nation where we cherish freedom of the press this is what major news networks are turning into...


But hey, we can only blame ourselves.  The only reason it's heading this way is the average citizen doesn't value real discussion on real issues anymore.

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I saw this the other day and cringed at the sensationalization this story got. They were 100 ft in elevation away but 3 miles from each other. CNN is becoming a tabloid. Nearly half their front-page headlines are tabloid-esque. It's sad really that in a nation where we cherish freedom of the press this is what major news networks are turning into...

But hey, we can only blame ourselves. The only reason it's heading this way is the average citizen doesn't value real discussion on real issues anymore.

No. It's because the average citizen doesn't value work ethic or morals and would rather have a hand out /Obama phone from the Gubmn't and doesn't want to hear any truth so prefers to listen to tabloid-esque media like CNN so they dare not hear reality or be responsible and held accountable.

Just my opinion of course, your mileage may vary.

NoBama 2012

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