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Taking the Irish westward....


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A friend of mine from Ireland, Mark, and I had long discussed his first trip to the USA. Where we'd go, what we'd see and do. In September, we finally made it happen.


Mark flew into Indy and we headed west. He was going to ride my trusty old  2002 ST1100. I had to freshen it up a bit prior to the ride with new tires, brakes, fork oil change, etc...




Had it looking as new as an 11 year old bike can...




I'll be aboard the less than trusty but never failing BMW GS...



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I've passed the Arch thousands of times and never really checked it out much. So it was good for me to see it as well.

Some odd characters there though, like the Crusader for Christ dude...



Guy just stood there for hours on end, not moving at all in the 100+F heat and 85% humidity.


The black dancing dude was far more entertaining though...


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A hot day in Ireland is about 65F and zero humidity. Mark wasn't so much diggin' his first experience with heat and humidity....





Looked like a well steamed lobster at this point.

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Overnighted in Joplin, Missouri the first night. Not a lot there and no pics taken. Hammered across Oklahoma the next day in even higher heat and into Texas...





We chose to ignore the sign and rode like scalded dogs - the Earache and Mark way.

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It's become a new ritual for us now at all stops - a Sweat Check on poor Mark...



And now he's dripping out off his pant legs...




While I, the older and fatter guy, remain dry...




Funny how we become accustomed  to heat after living in it for our entire lives. But I still don't like it.

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We ride on to Amarillo and find our hotel for the night. All the good, shady parking spots are taken already ...




I'm guessing that they won't get a ticket for parking in a fire lane, either.

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After stowing our gear away in thew room, we call for the free limo ride to The Big Texan Steak Ranch (see: http://bigtexan.com/ ). 

Yeah, it's touristy as Hell, but we're tourists, damn it. And teh free limo ride was hard to pass up.

Cold beers and good food...






I opted for the Whiskey Barrel Stout while Mark supped on the Wup Yer Donkey IPA. Fine beers indeed.

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Burgers 'n' Beer...



After about 6 beers, it was safe to say that Mark was liking Texas... a lot.



And fried jalapenos as well. Another first for him.

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At a fuel stop, I noticed soemthign hanging off of the BMW's engine....






If anyone needs a lightly used BMW skidplate, it's in the trash can at Love's Truck Stop in Tucumcari, New Mexico.

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We stop for a couple of days in Santa Fe, New Mexico. I always find it beneficial to take a rest day after doing 1,200 miles or so in a  couple of days. No sense in making a death march out of it. Besides, loads of great restaurants and things to do in Santa Fe. Great place.


Took a quick cruise to Los Alamos...




And past the Valles Caldera (see: http://wikitravel.org/en/Valles_Caldera_National_Preserve ), it's  a rather large volcanic hole - a blowout like Mt. St. Helens only larger.



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