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Cop pushes woman into jail cell bench


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I think it's pretty clear that the officer needs to be charged for this...  I'd like to see any video supporting the officer's assertion that the lady was resisting, because the video inside the cell is pretty damning. 


I'd also like to see video of other officers placing people in cells.  Is that push normal or abnormal?  Are they trained to push to prevent the person immediately turning and trying to get back out the door?  Or was he pushing her because he lost his cool with her?


At this point I'm 99% that he should be convicted - leaving 1% for the possibility of new evidence.  The dept needs to pay for her medical costs etc.


I wonder what the cop thought when he saw the extent of her injuries.  Facial fractures requiring a titanium plate and reconstructive surgeries.  "Might as well turn my badge and gun in right now."


A person doesn't quit being a person just because they are in jail.  They are still to be treated as human beings.

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The definite issue is the fact he has her arms restrained temporarily, preventing her from ability of protecting herself while falling.  That's an extreme abuse of power... normally any other person would have been able to brace the fall with their hands to minimize damage. This should be considered as well while adding to his charges.

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No I don't believe the cop is right. I do think he has his reasons and doubt they are good. He probably does this all the time and final was caught because she got hurt. He should pay for his crime.

At some point most people break the law usually its speeding.

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The officer's attorney at the end indicated that she "ignored a lawful order" or something along those lines. Well, if she was drunk, ( indicated she was arrested for DUI) she probably did not process that too well.

Still does not give the officer the right to overly force the woman into the cell.

I understand that officer may push the people into the cell so they don't turn around and fight or try to run out. Not sure a drunk female would have the balance or ability to fight or flee.

I would like to see more video of before the "cell pushing" to decide, but just that bit of video did seem excessive force.

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