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Meth Lab


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Nothing like having your neighbor being busted for making meth. He was caught at a hotel but I really hope they search his house as I really don't want that shit right next door. He has been a pain in the ass since he moved in, the neighborhood was really nice and his shit has pissed off a ton of people. Hell I almost had to shoot his dog last year when it came running into my driveway at night growling and showing it's teeth to myself and my daughter. I really hope the house goes up for sale.

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If you are that concerned (as I would be too) then I would make an anonymous call about suspicious activity. If they already have him in custody for manufacturing meth then chances are pretty good they will come and check it out.

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This happened to my BIL in Lancaster actually, right off 33 in the heart of town.  Basically the cops told him unless they can PROVE the people were involved they can't do jack.  Now, they were never picked up at a hotel like this guy, or caught selling, but their trash cans and trash were apparently full of the ingrediants to make meth ALL the time.  BIL even called the police on the trash pickup morning to come look, said it still wasn't enough for a search warrent. 


Now he was told they would be added to a list and eventually there would be an investigation.  We figured this meant they would have an informant or undercover buy and then bust them.  I will ask tomorrow night if anything ever came of it.


Like Bowdog said, I would call daily dude, with your daughter around and what not, no sense in taking any chances. 

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Why do criminals seem to have more rights than us law abiding citizens?


They have the same right against unreasonable search as you do.  If you want the police to be able to search them at will, you have to accept they can search YOU at will too.


Do you find it funny how people get bent out of shape about dui roadblocks but also then complain that the the police won't search their neighbor based upon an anonymous call?

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He'll do 3-5 for cooking so I wouldn't worry about it too much, unless he was just making base or refining fos in the hotel room, then it's illegal assembly of chemicals and he'll do up to 3 yrs depending on priors. If they caught him I'm really surprised a judge hasn't issued a warrant for his house.

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He'll do 3-5 for cooking so I wouldn't worry about it too much, unless he was just making base or refining fos in the hotel room, then it's illegal assembly of chemicals and he'll do up to 3 yrs depending on priors. If they caught him I'm really surprised a judge hasn't issued a warrant for his house.


He was call to the hotel on a domestic so who knows what all he's being charged for. 

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BFE is where Craig lives, doesn't even get Verizon cell phone service.  Heck one time for fun, he would text me to call him, I would call then it would drop, then he would call Verizon and tell them it dropped.  Then Verizon would tell him hje was wrong, then he would do it all over again.


This was days after a new tower that was supposed to give him 4G was installed less than like 2 miles from his house.


I loved that weekend. 

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No, it's not. It's in Uhrichsville same as my location under my pic says :)

LOL I thought you made that up! Ok well I have nothing more to add so I will go back to staring at my computer acting like I am going to do more work today.

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When I lived in an apartment I had some across the hall neighbors move in. All of a sudden I couldn't sleep, always was itchy, didn't know why. Doctor couldn't find any reason why. A month later swat and local pd busted down his door and the found a meth lab and a baby... Yeah, that was part of the reason I got the fuq out of that apartment shortly after. Apparently the owners did background checks but failed to find either he have them false ID or didn't do the background check and didn't see the warrant for his arrest.

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