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Repubs are failures too.


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Yes it does happen. Right here in the great state of Ohio.




Now that we have established that it does happen, and as you have repeatably said these voter ID laws don't hurt anything I am assuming you will be changing your position on this issue? 

Lets at least give him a Fox News link:




And then there's an MSNBC link, posted here because nobody watches that channel:



Now that we've got a "trusted" pollworker and a gaggle of cops, lets throw a nun into the mix:




BTW, I'm still convinced that the election was stolen by many people such as this.    I also believe that it will continue to happen on a large scale.


Allowing people to vote without presenting an ID card is assinine.  Period.  I have to show an id to buy a beer (though the gray hair on my head is usually all they need) and don't think that showing a valid ID in order to vote, nor that having your name checked-off on a list is unreasonable. 

Why should ANYONE be allowed to vote more than once?   Anyone on public assistance already has some form of ID, so it shouldn't be an issue.


Its clear and obvious what the liberals' intent is with this, and its reprehensible.  But then, if they played by the rules, they'd lose.  And they know it.   So they start cheating early.

Edited by YSR_Racer_99
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I thought you knew, loved and were a fan of science, if so surely you realize that cum is not a living breathing child?



exactly, and neither is a zygote...the stage when most of these supposed "murders" take place.


if a zygote is a living breathing child, so is a sperm...

Edited by magley64
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I guess if a living breathing child cannot live outside of the womb yet, it cannot be a child? So after 4 days "which the zygote period ends" you are saying that most abortions are occurring? The fetus stage occurs at approx 9 weeks, and I can assure you that TOO MANY abortions are still occurring much after that. Most documented abortions are occurring at 8/9 weeks, but after that the growth and development is occurring pretty quickly. My sister is the National Director for Heartbeats International, so she knows a thing or 2 about what is "really" going on out there. If a woman chooses to make that horrible decision "for whatever reason", she is the one that ultimately must live with that. There is always going to be an example of what many will consider a justified reason, but once again they are the one who must live with the consequences either way.

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I guess if a living breathing child cannot live outside of the womb yet, it cannot be a child? So after 4 days "which the zygote period ends" you are saying that most abortions are occurring? The fetus stage occurs at approx 9 weeks, and I can assure you that TOO MANY abortions are still occurring much after that. Most documented abortions are occurring at 8/9 weeks, but after that the growth and development is occurring pretty quickly. My sister is the National Director for Heartbeats International, so she knows a thing or 2 about what is "really" going on out there. If a woman chooses to make that horrible decision "for whatever reason", she is the one that ultimately must live with that. There is always going to be an example of what many will consider a justified reason, but once again they are the one who must live with the consequences either way.


I agree... 


I try to stay as neutral as possible on the abortion issue because by the nature of... well... nature, I've got very little say in it anyway. Women need to make choices about their health and their own bodies. If they don't want to gestate, I don't think it's the government's job to force them to. At the same time I'm morally opposed to women using abortions as a means of ongoing birth control, this doesn't mean I'd support any further restrictions to the procedure. 


On a side note, regardless of how much i abhor religious organizations, I think the counseling centers like heartbeat international are a great resource for giving young women help if they feel pressured into an abortion decision...

Edited by magley64
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I agree... 


I try to stay as neutral as possible on the abortion issue because by the nature of... well... nature, I've got very little say in it anyway. Women need to make choices about their health and their own bodies. If they don't want to gestate, I don't think it's the government's job to force them to. At the same time I'm morally opposed to women using abortions as a means of ongoing birth control, this doesn't mean I'd support any further restrictions to the procedure. 


On a side note, regardless of how much i abhor religious organizations, I think the counseling centers like heartbeat international are a great resource for giving young women help if they feel pressured into an abortion decision...



That's it, the end of the world is upon us. Triggered by a reasonable post by my friend Mag's.

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with all the concern about fraud in this thread, it's kind of strange that no one has even mentioned the vulnerable machines.


its not "voter" fraud, it's "election" fraud.



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with all the concern about fraud in this thread, it's kind of strange that no one has even mentioned the vulnerable machines.

its not "voter" fraud, it's "election" fraud.


Go back to my earlier post and I specifically say I worry about that. Or I tried to say that. Edited by turnone
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It is my understanding that classic rebuplican voters are old and white. The two demographics that are changing. These old people will soon die and due to immigration and birthing trends, the white vote is becoming a smaller portion of the electorate. It is also well known that republican candidates are more likely to win when there is lower voter turnout.

I think it is entirely plausible, if not down right likely, that voter ID laws pushed by Republicans are meant to suppress the vote. I have already established that in person voter fraud is MINISCULE at best and these laws won't change that. Now, just because the repubs got that wrong, at least initially by stirring up the minority vote, doesn't mean it wasn't their intention.

Please argue with facts.

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i see just as many facts being posted to support that voter ID laws (which I am against, btw) are for the purpose of suppressing minority votes as I do for the idea that it reduces voter fraud.  i can see why it's a popular idea, since it sounds like it seems like common sense to be able to verify that the person voting is in fact the person who is voting... that said, i find it hypocritical to be against voter ID laws if you are for crazy, ineffective gun control laws, though (and vice versa) because they operate on the same tard principles of putting the burden of "guilty until proven innocent" on the very people its meant to protect.  it's a shining example of the kind of hypocrisy exemplified by partisan politics that is the bane of this country.  it's all derptastic, and your mouth and eyes are too full of donkey/elephant cock and balls to see it.  take a step back, breathe the fresh air of freedom, and see that the currently existing political system is a giant tentacle monster, elbows deep inside of you, with the sole purpose of fucking you until you're dead and then they move onto your children, and your children's children.


jbot for president. the tentacle monster political party, 2016.

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 that said, i find it hypocritical to be against voter ID laws if you are for crazy, ineffective gun control laws, though.....




Try this one on.


Repubs are against killing unborn children but are in favor of killing serial killers.


Dems are in favor of murdering unborn children but are opposed to killing serial killers.


Just makes me want to go postal some times. Everyone wants their side to 'win'. Never mind everyone is actually losing.

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