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quitting smoking: a novel approach.

Gixxus Christ!

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So I've decided that I don't want to smoke till I die from it and pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for the privilege. I went and got a fancy vaporizer because my sister went that route and hasn't smoked in nearly a year. I posted about it on facebook and an old friend of mine hipped me to a book by Allen carr called 'stop smoking the easy way'. It takes an interesting angle on quitting and has a reported 95% success rate with over 11 million copies sold world wide. It guarantees that by the end of the book you will not only quit, but quit for good and enjoy doing it. It addresses the more important brainwashing that we smokers have been subjected to that makes us think that we need to smoke, that we enjoy it, that it does anything or holds any value to us and addresses the fear we have of living without cigarettes. I've tried to quit several times, with the patch, chantix, cold turkey etc...This is the first time I have a positive outlook on my success.

I'm only 65% through the book but I've only smoked maybe 6 cigarettes the last 4 days. It's available on Kindle for $7. I can't speak as yet to its total efficacy but plan on finishing it in the next day or two. If it works for me, it can work for you or maybe someone you love. I hope to put out my last cigarette soon and never look back.

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Good luck!  


If it doesn't take, watch the movie "Cat's Eye" by Stephen King.  There's a part in the movie where a guy tries to quit smoking.  You'll see some good motivators in that section of the movie.

I was thinking of that but couldn't remember the movie. They were very motivational!

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I had to quit cold turkey cause I could only get out of so many random drug tests before it started becoming suspicious



oh wait you're talking about cancer sticks? My brain was too advanced to ever get addicted to them. Orrrr maybe it was too blacked out from alcohol to remember I had any cigarettes 

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Ok. So I haven't bought a pack since last Thursday. Smoked the last one out of that pack monday. Bummed one smoke yesterday at work. Went all day today at work and...and here's the important part... stopped off for a few beers afterwards and did not smoke. I have been using a nicotine vaporizer since Thursday but I made it a day smoke free AND had a few beers at the bar which is a huge trigger for me and didn't smoke. Day one of the rest of my life as a non smoker.

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I smoke for a few months then quit for a year, then smoke then quit. Mostly because I actually am one of those weirdos who like smoking, the smell the taste the relaxation, and the morning laxation after the first cig and cup of coffee. Ha.

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Best of luck man. Several years ago I tried the vape setup, but it was one of the early designs and a poor one at that. Seemed to be harsher than actual cigs, but I kept trying with it off/on for a while. They eventually both broke beyond repair. Before that, I'd tried Chantix but the nightmares seemed to turn into night terrors and became unbearable, not to mention lack of sleep wore on me too. The Chantix did work after the first week, I hated the taste and smell of cigs and didnt really miss them once I'd quit then. Made it almost 2 weeks before stopping the drug and an additional week after that before breaking down and cracking open a new pack. Always been a battle. I'd want to quit and ween my use down to stopping, make it 4-5 days before starting up again. From all I've researched, this seems a common trend among smokers, quit/start/quit/start but a psychologically taxing personal weakness as well.

I'll look into this book as I dont want to rely on a drug or vape again. I bought a pack of regs to get off the menthols first, that will help ween me way back.....again.....since I hate the taste of a regular and have been a menthol smoker for over 6 years now. Smoked for over 25 years now so it needs to happen and wish I'd never started. Grew up with my Dad smoking day in and day out, so it was almost too easy to get away with as a teen since everything smelled of it. Big mistake. My cardio is for shit, I'm cold all winter long ( assuming due to vein constriction ) and my pulmonary system sounds like my bearings are washed out. Time for change

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Other than having a low grade cold I feel good. 3 days smoke free. I do use my e cig from time to time but it's the lesser of two evils. I had to change the way I think about smoking; it's not a habit, it's not enjoyable, it doesn't help to calm me down or relieve stress, I don't enjoy the taste or smell of it. It is simple drug addiction. The only thing smoking a cigarette does for anyone is to temporarily relieve the withdrawal symptoms from the previous cigarette. Now I am still addicted to nicotine for now, but I'm not putting all the carcinogenic tars into my lungs or robbing my body of oxygen with Co and co2 every time I get my fix. It's a stepping stone. Nicotine leaves the body very quickly and the withdrawals are short and light. When I'm ready I'll get off the e cig and be completely free but for now I'm at least off cigarettes and have no desire for them.

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