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Planning a Nova Scotia Trip in May/June


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New guy here.


I am considering taking off for Nova Scotia in May or June and came across an old post on this forum.


I am curious if anyone made this trip.  If so, are there any must to see places?


From what I have read the Portland\Yarmouth Ferry is going to resume service in May.  So my plan is take 2 days to get to Portland, Maine, jump the Ferry and arrive in Yarmouth at 7 am.  Then ride a route similar to what was mapped out from the forum post.

I am going to make this a 9 -10 day trip and will camping the entire time.  This will be my longest adventure I have ever made on my FJR, so any pointers would be appreciated.





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Did not consider rain. Rode home from Breaks International Park this late fall upper 40s and it rained most of the way back to Cncinnati, not fun!

Earache my dates are definitely open and we enjoy the company.

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QEW - Canada side of Niagara Falls right.? I think I am pushing my date back to August, will just have to see what my job has in store for me.

Thinking about jumping on the Deals Gap trip to hold me over til then.

Edited by keef
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Late August might work for me. But don;t make arrangements based on me going just yet. I have a big west coast trip scheduled fro July 27-August 21 with some friends from England - but that isn't 100% just yet either. Wish they'd firm their plans up so I can get going with mine.

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Think I would be crazy not to hit the Adirondacks and Quoddy Head State Park may pan out to be a good place to camp on the way back.


I am really hoping that the Portland, ME to Yarmouth, NS Ferry service is re-instated, taking the ferry at night will give me\us an extra days worth of riding.  It is reported that the ferry will leave Portland at 8pm EST and arrive in Yarmouth at 7am AST. 


Right now I think I am shooting for August, just going to have to take a weekend trip between now and then to hold me over!

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Think I would be crazy not to hit the Adirondacks and Quoddy Head State Park may pan out to be a good place to camp on the way back.


I am really hoping that the Portland, ME to Yarmouth, NS Ferry service is re-instated, taking the ferry at night will give me\us an extra days worth of riding.  It is reported that the ferry will leave Portland at 8pm EST and arrive in Yarmouth at 7am AST. 


Right now I think I am shooting for August, just going to have to take a weekend trip between now and then to hold me over!


For sure you should hit up the june gap trip when ever the plans are put forth get to know a lot of us. Even if the official OR trip falls through im betting there will be a nice size group meeting up down there at some point. Im 70% sure id be in for you trip my only reservation is the 100%camping, i have no problems with camping but a soft bed and warm shower does a body good with that many miles on a bike per day.

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I gotta read posts more carefully. I'm out, Won't camp at all.

I totally didn't see that in the first post. Blind ol' bastard.

lol  all good!

Will probably get a room while I am on the Ferry.  I have about $700 worth of camping gear that I will be strapping on the back of my FJR.  I am hesitant with leaving my camping gear strapped on my bike.

Also, if I have a crappy weather day I may wimp out and get a room.

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