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Ohio exempt from Obamacare?


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you should investigate this.  I looked into it and here is what I found:


I am a sovereign citizen and not only do I not pay taxes, I am also exempt from Obamacare.  I am also exempt from having auto insurance, motorcycle insurance, health insurance, and life insurance.  If I am in an accident, my own sovereign nation pays me whatever I ask for.  I can own my own M1 Abrams and I am allowed to purchase as much depleted uranium ammunition as I want.


The best benefit is that once I declared myself a sovereign citizen, I received my own unicorn.  I use the unicorn farts to power my home and my vehicles.  I also capture the unicorn farts and use them, instead of nitrogen, in my tires.  I expect 250,000 miles out of a set of tires regardless of the vehicle.  

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you should investigate this.  I looked into it and here is what I found:


I am a sovereign citizen and not only do I not pay taxes, I am also exempt from Obamacare.  I am also exempt from having auto insurance, motorcycle insurance, health insurance, and life insurance.  If I am in an accident, my own sovereign nation pays me whatever I ask for.  I can own my own M1 Abrams and I am allowed to purchase as much depleted uranium ammunition as I want.


The best benefit is that once I declared myself a sovereign citizen, I received my own unicorn.  I use the unicorn farts to power my home and my vehicles.  I also capture the unicorn farts and use them, instead of nitrogen, in my tires.  I expect 250,000 miles out of a set of tires regardless of the vehicle.  



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What? :wtf:



you get pulled over by local, or state police, they check your car for drugs...


you do your taxes, you send it directly to the IRS


I think his point is the Feds go after pot plenty:





Yeah, usually bigger stuff and distribution, but that's exactly what just got legalized in Colorado

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State vs Federal is a matter of Sovereign. The State has all the rights of State, and the Federal has all the rights of Inter-State (between states). BUT... most federal laws have been changed without state consent to move more responsibility to the federal government. As well as some attempts to have the federal government start taking intra-state responsibilities (Inside a given state).


That's not the way it started out, but it's the way it is now.




edit: quote deleted to avoid search bots, heh   *tinfoil hat*


Means nothing, if no state or group of states, is willing to do anything about it. There is a federal procedure to do so, and it involves a consensus of a majority of states. Delivered from the legislative of the state capitols, and not the federal representation of state.

Edited by ReconRat
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no joke, if you look at the hidden war history of Britain in Indonesia and Malaysia during or before the Vietnam era, I would say the local police forces picked up a lot of experience dealing with insurgents and such.

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The lead hardass is carrying his Glock in true Glock fashion.. and the rest of them have flashlights duct taped to their rifles. :eek:


LOL - no, seriously you both had me laughing out loud after a tough day.  Thank you!

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