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When will Obama fire the head of the NSA?


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Less than a year ago, at the beginning of the Snowden thing the head of the NSA stood up in front of a giant convention and said the NSA does not collect text messages. He was at that convention to specifically reassure the IT Security people that the NSA wasn't out of control, and that it was hacking their systems. He lied about the text messages. Actually he lied many many times during that speech.


When can we expect Obama to fire him?




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Here's your daily NSA reality check.


Gov't intelligence agencies were chomping at the bit for years before 9/11 to get their hands on the personal data on your computer, phone, the gps in your car, etc.  They had no legal way to do this because of that pesky 4th Amendment.  Furthermore, US citizens would never agree to such a violation of rights.


Fast forward to 9/11...American citizens were reeling from the biggest attack on US soil since Pearl Harbor.  The Patriot Act was signed into law about 6 weeks after 9/11.  It was introduced during a Presidential Address to a still scared US populus as a 'response' to that awful attack.  Within the Patriot Act, Gov't Intelligence Agencies were finally able to sidestep the 4th Amendment, privacy rights were weakened, and most people were still to frightened to realize what just happened.


I have a big issue with the NSA defending American soil by stomping all over American principles. 


"They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty or safety" --Benjamin Franklin

Edited by Tpoppa
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Here's your daily NSA reality check.


Gov't intelligence agencies were chomping at the bit for years before 9/11 to get their hands on the personal data on your computer, phone, the gps in your car, etc.  They had no legal way to do this because of that pesky 4th Amendment.  Furthermore, US citizens would never agree to such a violation of rights.



"Champing at the bit"... aside from that I agree completely, the "Patriot Act" was a turd from minute 1

Edited by magley64
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"Champing at the bit"... aside from that I agree completely, the "Patriot Act" was a turd from minute 1


Amen. I knew this country went to shit when the very thought was proposed, not rejected by our leaders (who many are lawyers) and accepted/welcomed by the very same dolts that put Cheney in power.


The other brilliant piece of legislation (thanks Reps, Clinton and Ruben) is the Financial Reform Act or what ever they called it that gutted Glass-Steagal and set the financial markets up for failure. Scary part, it can and will happen again. http://occupyfinancebook.wordpress.com/2013/08/14/impact-of-deregulation-the-gutting-of-glass-steagall-and-its-relation-to-the-financial-crisis-of-2008/

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