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Very interesting topic about hearing loss & motorcycles


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Don't underestimate the fatigue induced from low frequency noise. It's a huge factor on the road for motorcycles and trucks. Not so much for a luxury car. So if driving long distances, wear earbuds or plugs. Sometimes I think too much music is fatiguing as well, but that part isn't bad.


Sometimes just alternating lessens fatigue, with and without. Sunglasses on and off, yellow shades at night for a while. Drink a bunch of water, and have something to munch on too. Just eating a little bit will knock out fatigue.


Yes, my ears ring all the time. I don't want it getting any worse than it is.

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After working most of my adult life in machine shops and factories and the 2 years I spent as a weekend bouncer in a dive bar that booked punk and metal bands my hearing is less than great. I'm sure riding without plugs for several years didn't help. I try to wear them all the time but I dont.

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I can't remember if I already replied or not, but you guys helped to convert me late last year. I still don't wear earplugs for short, local errand runs but I absolutely do for everything else. I bought a big sampler pack and at-home custom jobbies, so I should be good to go most of next season. :-). I found that a few models make my ears itch and burn after an hour, but others do great for well longer, so I'm keeping a log of results for when my supply runs out and I need to order more.

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I've never worn ear protection or ear buds when I ride. Though the droning exhaust tone does get old on long rides, I wouldn't wear anything in my ears so I could hear the bike and any surrounding sirens/horns/etc. After almost 20 years of playing in metal bands, my ears definitely aren't what they used to be. I only started wearing earplugs these last 5-6 years, and it made a huge difference. My ears used to ring off the hook after practice, or a show, for a couple days and until I made myself adapt to them, I almost couldn't tolerate playing guitar with them in my ears. Glad my wife enjoys yelling at me because she's in for a treat in 20 years when I'll be damn near deaf :D

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I wish I would've done more to protect my hearing in general. I think I have tinnitus now. I did about 15 years on a riding mower (I have about an acre of grass that takes over an hour) before I started wearing ear plugs or other protection. Glad my kids have started doing this young, might save them.

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