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F'n Repubs.


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Did you actually read the article? Not once was the word republican mentioned and multiple times, the Obama administration was.

btw - I hate both parties

Yes I read it. This is how I roll with political threads here. It tricks the libs into reading it. Twist the subject to suck them in....toss their talking points back at them.

And I hate both parties also.

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Ever here of sarcasm?


I am so sad, so many people missed it. This is the most epic awesome ownage of the libs I have seen in a long time. The Dems, and Obama, the champions of the little guy...who passed this law to help the little guy that can't get insurance have now totally (for about the third time) completely shoved it up the butt's of the people they claim they were helping. The people that elected them and re-elected them.


The companies don't have to buy people insurance, but the people STILL have to buy it, or pay a fine to Obama.


It's epic, so epic I may pee myself.

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I wrote in Kim Kardashian. Pres election before that I wrote in Paris Hilton.

I assume you vote in Ohio, where your vote for president actually might make a difference.

Previously I lived in MA and voting in the presidential election was meaningless. MA always gives its electorates to the Dems. :(

I never voted for a major party while up there.

Here I try to find the lesser of 2 evils..... OK maybe that is worse :(



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I assume you vote in Ohio, where your vote for president actually might make a difference.


Even if my vote is the one that decides who is going to be President...picking a Dem or a Repub is not making a difference. There is no difference between the two, therefor my vote wont make any difference at all. Lesser of two evils is no longer acceptable to me.

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Personally, I think the whole democrat vs republican thing in DC is nothing but a smokescreen to fool the populous.  When the cameras aren't rolling Dems and Repubs are buddies that want nothing more than to keep the power they already have and keep building their personal fortunes.


If it was in either party's best interest to cooperate it would have happened 40 fucking years ago.  


The answer:  Congressional terms limits to root out corrupt career politicians.  Politics was intended to be a service to your country, not a career.



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