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1 in 4 think the sun revolves around the earth


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I say it all the time, most people are idiots, mainly because their mental priorities are out of whack not because they are incapable of learning/retaining the knowledge. They don't know who the vice president is, where Afghanistan is located on a map, or how many oz in a gallon but they're quick to tell you how many wins x sports team had 10 years ago and  what year x movie came out.

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Interestingly, we discussed this topic in a course on historical scientific revolutions in college.  Since all motion is relative to another object, there are theoretical models of the universe in which this is possible.  Though, I doubt that is the reason that many people responded that way.

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One reason why?


14% of U.S. adults can't read

21% of U.S. adults read below a 5th grade level

63% of U.S. prison inmates can't read

19% of U.S. high school graduates can't read


So in essence, it is a a total breakdown of the American family and family values.

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So in essence, it is a a total breakdown of the American family and family values.

Not really related, but probably true. Literacy has never been all that good.

Even these percentages of illiteracy are probably an improvement over the past.


It's sort of like looking at the total number of horse buggies or horses. The total number is higher now than ever before. We just don't see it. So the total number of literate or moral families is probably higher now than ever before. We just see the opposite higher amounts. All factors of an increasing world population. And we don't even see that now, since the USA is close to a stable population.


edit: I can add that it would be nice if colleges taught a basic Reality 101, and explained the Earth revolves around the Sun, the Sun is a star, and the Earth is not flat... Things like that. (Yes, I know it's part of grade school and high school education, but apparently students aren't listening.)

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So in essence, it is a a total breakdown of the American family and family values.

I was going to say something similar. Along the lines of 1 in 4 parents are asshats. I know what revolves around what, my parents were not asshats. And my kid knows.....

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I work in a retail home improvement store a woman walks up to me with about 10 fiberglass driveway markers in her hand and asks why are these pointy on one end.

Another woman is looking to buying a portable air tank I show her a 10 gallon tank and tell her it will hold 100lbs of air she says that is to big I can’t pick up 100lbs

Another woman (I’m starting to see a pattern here) buys a 20 foot extinction ladder I take it out to her car there is no way it is going to fit in her car so I tell her she will need to get someone with a truck to pick it up for her She calls me a dumbass and she will load it herself so I watch her drive out of the parking lot with it sticking out of her back windows like and airplane wing

If I had time I could fill this page up with stories like this.

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I work in a retail home improvement store a woman walks up to me with about 10 fiberglass driveway markers in her hand and asks why are these pointy on one end.

Another woman is looking to buying a portable air tank I show her a 10 gallon tank and tell her it will hold 100lbs of air she says that is to big I can’t pick up 100lbs

Another woman (I’m starting to see a pattern here) buys a 20 foot extinction ladder I take it out to her car there is no way it is going to fit in her car so I tell her she will need to get someone with a truck to pick it up for her She calls me a dumbass and she will load it herself so I watch her drive out of the parking lot with it sticking out of her back windows like and airplane wing

If I had time I could fill this page up with stories like this.


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