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There is a lesson for us to learn in the Ukraine. The fight is basically over if the country should continue to align itself with Russia or if it should move over to the EU.  Problem is they are in debt up to their eyeballs to Russia and they need another 15 Billion or so. Also they are entirely dependent on Russia for energy. The lesson is don't go into debt to other people, otherwise you don't control your destiny. Same thing with energy independence. I predict that after the Olympics are over Putin will call his minions in the Ukraine government and say 'Nail these freedom loving hippies, and nail them hard'. And it will happen.


And before you partisan hacks all go off on your tangent/agendas your simple one liner answers are BS. The fix for energy isn't 'green energy' and it isn't the Keystone Pipeline and it isn't fracking or natural gas. It's like the lady I wrote in for President in 2008 said 'It's all of the above'.



And of course to solve the borrowing issue from China the answer is all of the above, tax the rich and spend less.





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the news reports about this make me kind of chuckle...


The older brother of one of my very good friends goes to the Ukraine 2-3 times a year.  He Skype's with "long lost" relatives, etc.  Anyway, Ray reports that "none of the things you hear about the violence are true."


I suspect that for 99% of the country, he's right.


This political conflict is probably mostly true, but I think portraying the violence as a civil war in the making is like taking the L.A. riots and claiming the United States was falling into anarchy...


Just something to keep in mind as far as the perspective of these reports.  The reality is likely very similar to America - everyone is pissed off, but most people are apathetic and will do nothing. 

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Our President is stupid. Can you imagine how many police and military would be on the Mall in DC if there were riots. He would never withdraw them, nor should he.


"The White House is urging Ukraine’s government to withdraw security forces from Kiev’s Independence Square – the flashpoint of the uprising – and resolve the crisis through political means.  It described images of Ukrainian forces firing on its own people Thursday as an outrage."

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Why should I care about the situation in Ukraine? It's not as if the gays are being oppressed there. Or is it? Just let me know if gays are being oppressed, and I will switch my position to one of caring. And rally the white 20 - something white girls of Facebook to my side. They are waiting to take a Stand on this particular Human Rights Issue.

Edited by bloodninja420
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Why should I care about the situation in Ukraine? It's not as if the gays are being oppressed there. Or is it? Just let me know if gays are being oppressed, and I will switch my position to one of caring. And rally the white 20 - something white girls of Facebook to my side. They are waiting to take a Stand on this particular Human Rights Issue.


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Noticed in the news that this situation was supposedly defused by three European Union ministers. Putin oddly silent in public about the situation. We're not hearing about something. The debt to Russia isn't much of a big deal, just cheap fuel/oil prices. Most countries have a debt to some other country. Operating on credit, like normal...

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Someone in this tread said that Putin would drop a big hammer after the Olympics were over.



And the parts not mentioned. The troops at Sochi reportedly moved to the Crimean naval base at Sevastopol. Russia will not want to lose that. This area is very pro-Russian. Other Russian troops moved to border for sudden training. The "training" is live fire in new training areas. Basically Russia wants to keep the peninsula where the Crimean navy base is located. If that means splitting the country, it will happen. The naval base at Sevastopol  is jointly shared and operated by both Russian and Ukrainian naval forces. Russian has a lease till 2042.



The Russian society in general and even some outspoken government representatives have never accepted the loss of Sevastopol and tend to regard it as temporarily separated from the homeland.[22]


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Current quote from RT news. Arabic, Spanish, Russian newspaper source.


Crimea’s Russian majority has been hoping to hold a regional referendum ever since 1991, when it was refused the right to take such a step. Right before the Soviet Union eventually split, the vast 93.26 percent majority of Crimeans voted in support of establishment of the ‘Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic’ as a subject of a new Union state. The people, however, were never allowed to decide with which country the autonomous region should side – with Ukraine or with Russia.

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