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layoffs, opportunities, uncertainty and anxiety

Gixxus Christ!

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Piece work is the best way to destroy the quality of a product. Not something you want to do with aircraft brakes.



I have to respectfully disagree with that.  The factory that I spent 9-1/2 years in was piece work (incentive system is what they called it) and the quality went into the crapper when they did away with it.  People were pissed that they were dropped to their base pay rate, and morale was low, causing quality issues left and right.  


The magic number to stay below was 140% of rate.  Anything higher would raise flags, a time study would happen, and rates would go up, and piss of everybody else.  There were guys that could exceed 140% easily, and they knew the system well enough to know how long they could socialize and still turn in 140%.


By the way, that company is gone from the US, with the exception of their main offices which are now located up on Sancus.  Thanks to NAFTA, MY job, and most of my friends' jobs from there went to mexico, and some even went further, to China.

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Quality was checked, and if you passed a defective piece you got docked triple... so if you put 50 in the box and 3 were bad, you got rate for 41... It was a good enough incentive to make quality parts and not pass scrap.

Edited by magley64
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This thread reminds me of some old jobs that I had along time ago, and it makes me sad for our future. I have worked in a union shop, so I understand the union and seniority games.

For America to have it's brightest future possible, we all need to be as productive and efficient as possible. There are other countries that are far more hungry than we are as a whole. Our economy will continue to have lackluster growth compared to other more competitive societies unless we do something about it.

OP good luck with whatever direction you proceed.

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It's tough out there for the unemployed. Seems risky to leave gainful employment without having the next gig lined up.

I think a lot of HR departments are currently just sending any resume with a gap in employment into the trash can. Seems shitty and lazy on their part, but when applicants outnumber jobs 10 to 1 you have to screen somehow.

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It's tough out there for the unemployed. Seems risky to leave gainful employment without having the next gig lined up.

I think a lot of HR departments are currently just sending any resume with a gap in employment into the trash can. Seems shitty and lazy on their part, but when applicants outnumber jobs 10 to 1 you have to screen somehow.


Where I work (technology wing of a regional bank), we care less about the gap than we do an individual's skill currency, motivation, prior job performance, optimism and willingness to git er done above and beyond stated expectations.  We let others hire the rest.

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For America to have it's brightest future possible, we all need to be as productive and efficient as possible. There are other countries that are far more hungry than we are as a whole. Our economy will continue to have lackluster growth compared to other more competitive societies unless we do something about it.


This is a valid point.

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Aaannnnnd someone from work apparently found this thread, printed out some or all of it and passed it around work today...idk how much, I took today off. I'm hearing that people are not happy with me there...great. I hope the dick head that did it is reading this now and has the balls to come and tell me it was him...doubt it tho.

Edited by CrazySkullCrusher
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Aaannnnnd someone from work apparently found this thread, printed out some or all of it and passed it around work today...idk how much, I took today off. I'm hearing that people are not happy with me there...great. I hope the dick head that did it is reading this now and has the balls to come and tell me it was him...doubt it tho.

That's pretty messed up.

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All unions and members aren't bad, but we have the bad apples here too that give us a bad rap. Singing I like starting false rumors about myself just to see how far they get with theses people, got to have some sort of entertainment at work.

Edited by 2talltim
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Aaannnnnd someone from work apparently found this thread, printed out some or all of it and passed it around work today...idk how much, I took today off. I'm hearing that people are not happy with me there...great. I hope the dick head that did it is reading this now and has the balls to come and tell me it was him...doubt it tho.


Jebus, what kind of insecure coward slimeball does that?  Dude, I'm sorry.

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Dude, it's worse than a bunch of old woman at church. These guys are either so miserable with their lives or bored with them that they just pump out rumors. Outlandish shit too. For instance, I took off yesterday, didn't feel like going in. Coincidentally that's when the coward printed all this shit out. I didn't start hearing about it till my buddies finished their last shift at midnight, but there were already rumors that I had met with the bargaining committee, had been fired, all kinds of bullshit. Now there are a few good guys where I work, but most of them are lazy, incompetent or both. And everyone has to be whispering behind everyone else's back, telling lies, spreading gossip....it's sad.

Edited by CrazySkullCrusher
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Well, to be fair, that happens almost everywhere. It's a failure of management, in my opinion. That shit should be stopped with immediacy and without compassion. It will destroy a work force and, often times, ruin a company for everyone. Too bad.


Yes, that does happen everywhere, even in small businesses.  I have experienced it firsthand, many times.  

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I've worked with at least a dozen different unions now, every single one is a majority of caddy bit by whiny high school girl mentality from 75% of the members. Then you've got about 25% thst are just normal hard working good dudes.

I'm a known hater of unions because they more often than not they do more harm than good from a business stand point

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I didn't read the rest of the thread besides the first two/three and last couple posts. I've dealt with enough different kinds of unions to know they are all annoying, nothing you can do about that. There are still CNC/machining positions around. A landing gear machining plant closed in Cleveland about a year ago, but most of those guys just went into retirement so there isn't a huge influx of that kind of machinists in NEO. I'm not sure what pay you're used to, but even the janitor was making 6 figure there (if he put in the time). I know Swagelok was hiring not too long ago, friend's dad got a job there (don't know pay); the Solon area seems to be growing continually.

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Most all machine shops in the Dayton area are starved for experienced machinists. That may not help you location wise but probably a good indicator that most areas need them. As long as your not just a professional cycle start presser you should be able make close to the wage your making now without the union.

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My apprenticeship was almost entirely on hand crank machines. I'm a wizard on a Bridgeport, gimme a print, a piece of stock and some tooling and I'll make anything you can draw. I studied cnc programming while at ntma, and was great at it but that was 12 yrs ago. My cnc skills are rusty at best. I still possess the mind of a machinist, I can still look at a print and devise how to carve that part out of a piece of material. When I worked in the cnc cells I didn't do any programming, just set up, prove the job and run it. If shit goes sour where I'm at over this whole thing I'll be ok, but I actually enjoy what I do for the most part right now.

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How would you deal with a bunch of miserable cowards taping signs and notes of a harassing and derogatory nature to your toolbox? Management does a pretty good job of removing them before I get in to uphold the illusion of a non-hostile workplace but things slip through the cracks.

Mind you, not a single one of these gutless cocksuckers has half a sack and therefore lacks the ability to look an actual man in the eye and say something. Still, they can't seem to reconcile someone being proud of being good at what they do or that person getting recognized for it with whatever passes for their work ethic or lack thereof.

My company's zero tolerance rules prevent me from doing what comes naturally. I could start posting my own signs and notes to my own toolbox, but I don't want it to turn into some kind of bulletin board for pathetic cock jugglers who are so afraid of confrontation that they resort to passive aggressive note posting.

I'm an active aggressive man myself. If I have an issue with someone, I tell them...seems like that's how men should act.

So who's got a good solution to this?

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Maybe you shouldn't have deleted your lunch invitation.

You will never be able to change immature people doing immature things. Just be glad that you are not as petty as your coworkers.

"Some men just want to watch the world burn."

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Do you work with any actual men?


Doesn't sound like it.  Sounds like a group of bitty old hags who don't want their low-level misery threatened.  I bet they puff up, talk all gruff and say redneck shit to compensate and hide the fact that they have no clue what excellence feels like.

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how do we get one of them to post up here to tell their side of the story?  maybe it's just an office romance gone wrong, docking ended in catastrophic failure, and now they are bitter jilted lovers posting love letters on each other's tool boxes.

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Aaannnnnd someone from work apparently found this thread, printed out some or all of it and passed it around work today...idk how much, I took today off. I'm hearing that people are not happy with me there...great. I hope the dick head that did it is reading this now and has the balls to come and tell me it was him...doubt it tho.

Another way of looking at this mess....you posted the negative stuff about the people you work with first,if you didn't there wouldn't be anything to print out and place around your work place.


Lesson learned....a public forum is open to anybody...if you don't want to tell someone face to face,don't post it on a public forum.

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