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Interesting day at work. We made the news.


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So my office is in the High School.


For the past few days we have been having some drama. The students started a Gay/Lesbian/Bi/Tran-sexual club that was designed to only promote acceptance...to open up communication about the issue. Actually very cool of them. Well, we have a levy renewal and some asshats decided the school was teaching gay sex to kids and is organizing opposition to the levy based on that. Today, about an hour before school started a hundred kids showed up with signs and had an awesome peaceful demonstration in front of the school showing solidarity for their gay classmates and support for the levy.  They all were really cool, talked to the press then went to class on time with zero issues. Restored my faith in America.


About 2 hours into the school day we get a building wide announcement.  'Attentions Staff and Students. We have received a credible threat and we are going to evacuate the building. Now.' So off I go with 2000 kids to the parking lot across the street, we do our best to get an accurate head count then split into 4 different groups and head off to our assigned evacuation points. A nearby elementary, and old folks home (I go there of course), a Catholic school and a church. Couple hours later we get the all clear from the cops. Of course we figure it might be real considering the club/levy issue. The timing was too convenient.


Turns out some asshat wanted to rob a bank and decided it would be a great idea to call in a bomb threat to distract the cops. But after robbing the bank he didn't have a get away car, so he walked a block down the street and hid behind another bank. Dumbass should get life for being a dumbass.



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If you're going to rob a bank, why not steal a car? I am not advocating theft, but a little forethought isn't a bad thing. What a moron.


Hell, he robbed another bank the day before so he could have bought a car for the second robbery. You got to spend money to make money, dumbass needs to invest in his business if he expects it to succeed.

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dealing with the criminal justice system on a daily basis, I sometimes have to catch myself and step back from the situation.  I try to remind myself of the following:  Don't try to apply logic to the acts of criminals.  This is a subset of the population who largely lack the foresight to consider the consequences of their actions.  A getaway car won't become a blip on their radar until someone is actively chasing them, and they realize they're not as fast as they thought.

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Case in point: with very rare exception, forethought would reveal that energy spent towards legal income sources is far more dependable and lucrative with less aggregate risk than crime had.

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That's so funny. A couple of months ago here in Springfield there was a guy that called in a bomb threat at the mall and the hospital. That is he thought it would do was distract the police while he robbed a bank. Well guess what he tried to robb the bank with.....yep a bomb the police had it figured out by the end of the day.

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Hell, he robbed another bank the day before so he could have bought a car for the second robbery. You got to spend money to make money, dumbass needs to invest in his business if he expects it to succeed.

With that said, I am going to assume that he didn't stash 10% into his retirement account.

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