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Most Embarrassing Two-Wheel Moment


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What's your most embarrassing moment on two-wheels?



I'll start...although probably not my most embarrassing, it's the most recent.


I just got back from a shakedown ride on the RR...mostly consisting of cruising up and down the freeway burning off the stickers on the new tires and getting something to eat.  I decided I would cruise through Mt. Adams area (one of the busier bar scenes in Cincinnati).  While rolling through town in first gear, enjoying all the attention, I decide to flip my visor up to show off my striking good looks (lol)....CLUNK....I stalled out in front of a crowd of people.



Let's hear some embarrassing stories!  







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At an OR meet I dropped my vmax at a stoplight... We were in a tight group crossing Polaris Parkway, light turns green, I start to go and the girl in front of me stalled... I jammed up the brakes to not rear end her and my front brake lever snapped off... Got bike to a stop and then just fell... Fml

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I attempted a burnout in a parking lot with my front wheel against one of those concrete parking bumpers and didn't grab enough front brake. Dumped the clutch at about 5 grand on a cb750 and went airborne over the concrete parking thing, over a sidewalk and into a brick wall.

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Pulled into a Harley dealership on my Yamaha and as I was parking, grabbed too much front brake in the turn and dropped the bike right in front of the big giant glass window.  On a Saturday afternoon.  Picked it up, and too embarrassed to just pull away, so I walked into the dealership.  Amazingly, no one would talk to me.  So I left.  

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Pulled into a Harley dealership on my Yamaha and as I was parking, grabbed too much front brake in the turn and dropped the bike right in front of the big giant glass window.  On a Saturday afternoon.  Picked it up, and too embarrassed to just pull away, so I walked into the dealership.  Amazingly, no one would talk to me.  So I left.

I've done this same shit in front of a gas station
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After a 13 hour day working in August of 2011 when it was like 95 degrees out. I hopped on the vfr, rode to the gas station to fuel up, forgot to put the kick stand down tipped over while still half on the bike, while I had already taken my helmet off, fell over smacked my head into the concreate barrier infront of the pump, or so that's what they tell me and I woke up in the back of an ambulance with an IV attached to me.

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I had just arrived at a party of good friends with my new (to me) KZ1000. Had everyone outside, showing it off in the driveway. I went to take it for a spin down the road and back to further show it off. I was excited, but also a little distracted keeping an eye on one of my friend’s off-leash dog (hoping it wouldn’t follow me into the road). I began rolling down the driveway, and as my front tire hit the road, I heard one of my friends urgently yell “STOP”. I hit the brake, stalled out the bike, and just in time to see a Navigator barreling past me. Stupid… but I guess it could have been worse...

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Leaving the house for work.  I was having some fun, really getting on the front brake.  I approach a stop sign to turn right.   There happened to be a piece of smooth flat plastic on the street.  It was the same color as the asphalt, lol.  The front washes out from me.  I drop the bike in super slow-mo.  It was so slow that noone asked if I was ok, or offered help.  I turn around to take the bike home, because my turn signal busted.


So I get to work on the nicest day of the year.  In my car.  With no gear.  All my friends are asking where the bike is.  I told them I fell on a piece of plastic.  Something is lost in translation, because they all laugh at the possibility of litter taking me down.  I still get shit about it.  3 years later.  Bastards.



**Bonus**  Everybody stalls a vehicle at some point in there life.  Unfortunately stalling the bike in front of a cop really had me pretty embarrassed.

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I got moved from beginner to intermediate at a track day and then crashed the next session.

What was more embarrassing was the instructor who had bumped me up came by afterward and said "did you bring me flowers?"

Me: "what?"

Todd: "I saw you way out in the grass - I can only assume you were picking flowers for me."

And it was a dumb fucking crash too... I had run wide between 2 and 3 at Nelson, and grabbed a handful of brake when I target-fixated on the tire wall. Totally avoidable with a cooler head.

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Took a trip out the road to Hana (Maui) on an Electra Glide during our honeymoon. Needless to say I met a Ford expedition halfway through a left corner. I managed to stop, but couldn't balance out fast enough. My left leg couldn't hold the bike, with me and my wife on it. So I dropped it about 2 inches.

Worst part were the islanders riding scooters for a charity ride that day. If i rember right there were three of them stopped in that corner. So I got to hear how terrible of a mainland rider I was for the rest of the day from all of the scooter riders... and there were alot of them.


The trip back from Hana was far better. Not quite as nervous.

I acutally have video from my gopro. But since I mounted it right below the windscreen the vibration is terrible, until about 3rd gear.

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First time. Bringing my bike up to the house. My neighbor comes outside and while I'm staring at her nice ass... Boom, too much front brake and down it goes. And then, riding around town showing off.. I get in a group of cars. Go to take off and show my ass.. Clunk. Stalled out right in front of everyone.

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One hot summer day I pulled into a shady parking area

for a little stretch.  I carefully backed into a parking spot

then enjoyed the cool shade while sending a few last

minute texts.  Finally I went to step off the bike and leaned

it onto the kickstand, the one that wasn't down yet.


Trying to right the bike while still sitting on it, with only

one leg, while it continued it's slow descent, was just a bit

more than I was prepared for. 


I gently laid it down, and quickly snatched it back up

before anyone could see.  There was a car parked a half

dozen spaces away but the guy never noticed.  I walked off

as if it hadn't occured.





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Few years ago, one of the last rides I rode my Sprint St on granda080 and I went to the greene to grab a bite to eat on a friday night . I fired up the glorious triple with its stubby exhaust, finished strapping my helmet, and putting my gloves on. I went to drop it into first gear and it died. In a whole slew of people I stalled my bike and felt like a total newb. 

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I don't think I've done anything really embarrassing on my bike, but the only time I almost dropped a bike was in a parking lot. I was getting to the end of an aisle and a guy decided to jet out of another aisle *far* too quickly for the parking lot. I slammed on my brakes as I was making the turn and almost high-sided. Threw down my left leg in front of the bike to keep it from hitting the pavement, and immediately regretted it. A 400lbs bike and a 160lbs man being stopped by my one leg...it wasn't comfortable. Luckily, I kept it at a high enough angle to keep it off the ground, but it hurt.

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Back when i was on a 77 cb750k, I pulled to the end of the driveway and decided to hop off to check the mail. This bike hada short kick stand so it leaned over pretty far normally, it was also pretty tall and weighed a bunch. I thought i put the stand down, but once i had it leaned over, I quickly realized I was wrong. I tried to change direction and stand it back up, but somehow my feet slipped in the gravel and the bike launched me into the yard. It's laying there in the driveway, back wheel spinning idle and people are driving by.

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Back in my teens, I stuck my pants leg down over a kick starter at a red light. Couldn't get it off in time. Yeah, just enough off balance to go on over. I couldn't think fast enough to lean body away from the leg not available and hold it up. It was one of those NOOOOOOOO! moments. No harm done, just lots of cursing in the middle of the night.

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Here's another one.  I had just fueled up. 

I saddled up and cruised off.  I kept feeling

something rubbing against my back.  I stopped

because I couldn't figure it out and it started

bugging me.  I discovered it was my tank bag

sitting on top of my trunk bag.  I always put it

there when I fill up.  I forgot to put it back on

the tank.  It's a good thing it didn't fall off.



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Summer of 2003:


At a gas  station, park the bike next to the pump, get off to put my credit card in the pump and fuel up, bike rolls off stand and pins me against the pump.


From left to right, fuel pump, me hugging the fuel pump, Hayabusa on the back of my leg. Can't push hard enough against the pump and can't straighten out my leg.


Another biker rolled in to fuel up, saw me embracing the pump passionately and came to my rescue and lifted the bike off my leg. Actually ended up tearing my ACL because of that and had to have it repaired so I think that also counts as the most severe motorbike injury without actually riding the motorbike!

Edited by Speedy Gonzales
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I was turning up the road to my house and the intersection was full of gravel, I came up to the turn and a car blows the stop sign as I'm turning in front of him, I flip the throttle to scoot since I am commited (forgot about the gravel), hit the gravel and the bike starts to go over. I without thinking slam my foot down and kick the bike back up while tearing something in my foot... had to wear a brace for 2 months. great way to end last years riding season.

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figured id try and see what this adventure bike stuff is really all about.  thought i could manage crossing this creek i cross with my SXS all the time.  70/30 tires don't do well in mud, and it was a tad deeper than i thought.


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