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Help me plan my dream date!


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Head down rt 78 to the muskie bucket pic nic lunch there then head back home. 78 is a great ride even on a bagger.

I will definatly check that out on the SV looks like a fun ride. Thank you for the suggestion


Is this in hopes that she will want to ride with you more often, or is this

in hopes that she will be more accepting of you getting the bike you want?


If the bike you tease her with is not the very one that you want to end up

with, there could be attitude directed at you, down the road.


Put her on the very bike you dream of her enjoying, with you.  If she is

happy with it, and talks about it the next day with a smile on her face,

your chances are good that she'll want to be your riding partner, often.




She understands that the bike I would rent out not be the same as one I would end up with. I think of it like renting a Bentley. Worth it for the day but not something I would want to pay for over the long run.


Get a VFR! All the sport and you can add a back rest if needed

I have seen Dacs bike and drool everytime. I wish I had the cash if so it would be sitting in front of my home.


I really appericated all the suggestions. Our anniversary was yesterday and that was the day I was planning this. I made the reservation for the Vision however the weather dident turn out the way I wanted. I had to cancel the Vision but we still went ziplining and had a blast. For the moment the bike rental is on hold until later in the summer.

Edited by MiDe84
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If you're tall enough, a DL650 is a great 2-up bike. A comfortable bike is going to be required to sell the idea. I'm with some of the other though: it's no fun having someone on the back. What happens when you want to get away for a while?

My GF and I love the DL650 two-up. She says it's more comfy to her with the stock seat than my old V-Star 1100 was with a Mustang seat.

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