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Talk about bad luck


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While I am very much against any laws that one might concoct to protect some rider from themselves, or force dealerships to not just sell any bike to any rider, it would be nice from time to time to see some common sense executed and enforced within the community.

I will say there is a few sales guys I know that have not sold a bike to someone because they didn't know the first thing about riding. They just couldn't do it and feel good about it.

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Whos to say that they guys hadn't been saving his money for years and waited for the kids to leave the house and finally got the wifes approval to buy the bike he has allways dreamed of. So he is getting some instructions to brush up since he hasn't ridden since before the kids were born and this happens.

So is he still an asshole? We can all jump to conclusions but if we don't know the whole story we just have to feel for his family.

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The fact that it's a HD probably didn't help any either, their not exactly known for doing any thing well... Except for shaking fillings out, and deafening everyone with in a block. Brakes suck, handling sucks, power sucks.

Maybe if he wasn't on something that didn't weigh 700lbs dry it would have fallen over and lowsided once it started to get shakey.

Oh well, one less HD idiot to think he's king shit and oh so superior on his over priced chrome vibrator.

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Whos to say that they guys hadn't been saving his money for years and waited for the kids to leave the house and finally got the wifes approval to buy the bike he has allways dreamed of. So he is getting some instructions to brush up since he hasn't ridden since before the kids were born and this happens.

So is he still an asshole? We can all jump to conclusions but if we don't know the whole story we just have to feel for his family.

I agree 100%. We don't know the story. Its easy to sit and laugh at the Harley guy wrecking his bike, but the guy died. That's where the funny stopped. I feel horrible for his family.

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Well, I'm sure he was wearing the Harley vest he just bought as well as one of those cute little Harley bandannas, so he had the regulation safety gear, at least for the HD crowd. Plus, when you're riding and it's 80 out, those bandannas keep the sweat out of your eyes, since your bike doesn't generate enough speed to get the breeze blowing on your face.

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I can't believe the number of cruiser riders I see on the road not wearing ANY gear at all - its like they think that because they're not on a sportbike they can't crash!

Most are older riders too - I'd bet many have crashed at one point or another. I can tell you this - after my crash I gear-up even if I'm going to the store. Don't care how stupid I look!

And I do look stupid..because I just got a Suzuki cruiser and and I'm still rolling with my Kawasaki Sport Replica Textile jacket! :cool:

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I left bike night last week and a dood on a harley pulled up next to me and says in his old crackly harley voice "Hey man, you cold?"

Furry guy(me) " No man I have a helmet and a jacket on, youre wearing a bandanna, a sleeveless shirt and a leather vest. NO shit youre cold."

Cool harley guy "Yea, this is what I always wear, follow me."

Hahah, This guy whats me to follow him. So Im still going the same direction he is, he looks back and sees im still there, and starts giving me all kinds of drunken hand signals like he is Helen Keller or something. I got scared and flew past him. End o story.... continue.

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And I do look stupid..because I just got a Suzuki cruiser and and I'm still rolling with my Kawasaki Sport Replica Textile jacket! :cool:

No to intelligent people. I see what you describe and I instantly think,"There's a smart guy."

I see no gear, not even a helmet, I think,"There's a douchebag, he's too cool for me." :D True story.

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A few years back I was riding home and stopped at a local joint for a bite to eat. I sat right next to some Hardley guys and began to strip my gear. One of the guys leans over and asks me' date=' "Why do you wear all that shit?" I reply, "In case I crash." He replied, "I just don't fall down."

You can't argue with stupid. Just make sure you are out of the way when it comes through town.

Are you enjoying your new ride, by the way?[/quote']

I would've had a smartass laugh and said,"That's funny, you practice darwinism, I'm a huge supporter." ;)

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You can't argue with stupid. Just make sure you are out of the way when it comes through town.

Are you enjoying your new ride' date=' by the way?[/quote']

Yep - I'm really glad I traded the guy. The Intruder needs some TLC and I expect to have some problems with it, but I've put a few miles on it and I really enjoy riding it.

Reminds of when I first started riding - and getting used to the weird steering brought on by the larger front wheel. Gotta get some new rubber on the back but its pretty much just running!

I will probably trade next year for either a new 800 or 1400. I've haven't had a brand new bike ever, so I think I'm due.

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