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who is legal savy ? about to be sued in small claims


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well shit, my Uncle must not know that then. Granted he isn't a divorce attorney but he's usually up to date on this kind of important stuff

Def don't know much about it, just know what we were told in Feb. and it was basically that even if the house is only in 1 persons name now, that means nada in Ohio anymore. 

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If you are renting, always always always put the lease in your name only.

If you are buying a house, always always always buy it yourself.

That way, it's always yours and you can tell her to hit the bricks.

You actually can't. With no signed contract it's still a day to tenancy and you technically have to evict or put the other parties belongings out of the house in a secure area and change the door locks when they're gone. Regardless if they were paying rent or not. The trick is if the other party was paying rent or not considering there is no contract. The changing the door lock scenario you just have to keep your mouth shut. It's the other parties burden to price they live there. Cops cannot let them back in. Edited by Gump
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Depending on the situation - the "acquired interest" such as equity earned during the marriage can be considered a marital portion... If a major renovation or remodel occurred during the marriage, the improvement value might be able to be considered... if a refinance occurs, the property, or a part of it, can be considered....

I guess it depends on how "pricky" the ex-spouse and his/her attorney want to get...

Having the house in a trust, before marriage prevents this.

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I prefer she has her place, and I have my place.

That gives you enough space to miss each other.

She can come over, spend the night, or a weekend.

But, she has a place to go back to, which is good

for when you need to decompress from too much



It's really like playing a game of cards, anyway.

In the beginning, you have a heart and a diamond.

In the end, you wish you had a club and a spade.


Edited by JackFlash
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