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Attack cat saves kid

KZ Kari

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I had a cat who jumped on the face of my friend's dog when she walked into my back yard to meet me. The cat latched on and proceeded to repeatedly rake the dog's face with her rear claws. The only difference was that the dog was as friendly as could be and was of no threat. It was a pretty viscous attack for what I presume to be purely territorial reasons.   

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In my experience as both a cat owner and a dog owner, cats are smarter but sometimes selfish jerks too. Dogs are basal and easier to understand. Intelligence is sometime but not always better, just like with people.

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Our cat is very territorial with other cats But he is friendly with all the dogs in our condo association and lets them come around him with no problems But he is at least 2X bigger then all of them. he also love kids when we moved in some of the parents were afraid to let their kids out when they first saw him he is so big. In our house what’s his is his and what’s ours is his. He is house trained and rings a bell when he wants out. he also comes when we call him. He will also play catch when in the mood.

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I also grew up with both cats and dogs and believe dogs to be smarter. I'm a little biased though; I enjoy working with/training dogs more. I still can't get the cat to learn, "Get the fuck off the table!". 

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Our cat is very territorial with other cats But he is friendly with all the dogs in our condo association and lets them come around him with no problems But he is at least 2X bigger then all of them. he also love kids when we moved in some of the parents were afraid to let their kids out when they first saw him he is so big. In our house what’s his is his and what’s ours is his. He is house trained and rings a bell when he wants out. he also comes when we call him. He will also play catch when in the mood.



any pics of said mini mountain lion? I love big house cats..

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I have 2 cats and a dog. Cats are stupid....and lazy. One cat tries to hunt bugs but meows at them the whole time...not a very good survival skill to converse with your prey. They know when feeding time is, and they know they get catnip when I say 'wanna get high man?' Like tommy chong and they know what treats mean. Other than that, useless smelly idiots. I'd re-home them if I could.

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I'm not a cat person and will likely never have one in my house but that is a bad ass cat right there and that stray dog should be shot! This coming from a dog kind of person

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