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Possible awesome meteor shower this weekend


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Will try to take some pics of this. Last meteor shower I caught only one and it was faint.

You camera guys have any suggestions for setting the camera. I used

30sec shutter

a low ISO

Lowest f stop

Widest field of view I could get.

I was thinking about speeding up the shutter and bumping the ISO up.

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600 / focal length = maximum exposure time (stars show as streaks if higher)


100 to 400 ISO (control of ambient light)


after midnight


aim high, but not straight at source of meteorites


edit: and yes, use a tripod and shutter release, don't forget batteries

Edited by ReconRat
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Cool, thanks! Most likely, I'll be in the U.P. Friday night, should be less light pollution up there.

I used to fly for a charter company that did a lot of cargo work. This meant a ton of night flying all hours of the night. I got some spectaculars views of the Leonid meteor showers in my little Cessna Caravan. I even witnessed a meteorite hitting the ground one night, started a small fire.

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Lot of trees out there man, thinking we'll stay more local where Rt 66 hilltops out just north of town here. There's an old service station lot there where we can pull off and watch

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Holy cosmic fucking event. Fuck Mesepotamia Springs or what ever the name of that place is. The Sheriff is cool though no ticket for trespassing. I did deserve that much. I will tell you all about it next time I see you all.

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We ended up out at Johnson Farm along the private airstrip, saw just a few streaks but wasn't enough to keep our attention anymore. Stars were bright and visible that far out of town though, so city light wasn't a factor

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Only flashes of light we saw were satellites and the sheriff that thought we looked suspicious parked in a field. Sounds like west of Columbus offered good viewing. Not so much east of town.

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