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Remember when Pres/Candidate Obama said....


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...."We are bringing our troops home from Afghanistan. And I've set a timetable. We will have them all out of there by 2014. Gov. Romney doesn't have a timetable. I think he's wrong," the president said.    http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/ticket/obama-romney-no-timetable-end-afghan-war-231510087--election.html


Well, he lied again. They are staying.


This should be interesting. The Libs/Dems should scream and condemn him and the Repubs/Conservatives should praise him for not following a timetable and finishing the job.


But I won't hold my breath.

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There's something there we want. Best guess: hard to find metals and mining. The Chinese aren't there for the hell of it. So are we.


Well ok, copper is at the top of the Chinese list, it's not readily available for them.

We might be there for rare earth metals, China isn't short on those and they charge us a lot.

Somebody shout "Oil! It's all about the oil!" so I can laugh.

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I don't care if it's nuanced or not, like every president making big adjustments to their foreign policy once they know the real deal about global politics with executive clearance, I'm fucking sick of our boys and girls getting killed for questionable gain, based on "American exceptionalism" ethics that don't hold water(boarding) under examination.

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He has been trying to make friends over there. Mixed successes, some would argue he's making the wrong friends, others would say he is stabilizing the area.

I'm sure he has a plan, what it is isn't too clear. History will tell for sure but in the mean time it sure looks like he should make different choices.

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Actually, I'm guessing we're pulling some troops out and quietly putting them on the Syrian border.

The number already there is pretty high. Just advisers, nothing to see here, move along...


edit: When all of those advisers are trained as FAC, they will be difficult to deal with.

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Afghanistan has some of the largest deposits of lithium in the world ( battery Power )

I can’t think of anything that he has actually kept his promise on except Obama Care and look how well that has worked out.

When Hilary runs she will promise paid menstrual cycle leave for all working woman. :lol:

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He has been trying to make friends over there.


"Name one country with whom we have better relationships today than we did when he became president of the United States almost six years ago."



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"Name one country with whom we have better relationships today than we did when he became president of the United States almost six years ago."




Perhaps I wasn't clear. I didn't say he succeeded, just that he tried. There was that thing in Egypt he tried, didn't work out so well for him though.

And the nuclear thing in Iran he's trying. They still hate us though. He's gotten Israel pissed at us. It might be easier to try to make enemies instead.

Maybe he should get a dog. Or he could just play golf for the next couple of years.

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I would contend that other than the usual lapdogs the world is more pissed at us. Certainly that is true with Europe, mid east, russia....and others I can't think of now.

He can't play anymore golf than he already is. He plays far more than Bush, who the left ridiculed for it. Nite the don't say Jack.

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I would contend that other than the usual lapdogs the world is more pissed at us. Certainly that is true with Europe, mid east, russia....and others I can't think of now.

He can't play anymore golf than he already is. He plays far more than Bush, who the left ridiculed for it. Nite the don't say Jack.


So the next question is: Is the world a safer place when Obama is playing golf?

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I watched some TV about the Kennedy admin, in particular the Bay of Pigs and the failed invasion......unbelievable how much politics has changed, how far from the center the democratic party, and oh yes the republican party as well, has moved further left.


I love this quote-"Victory has 100 fathers, defeat is an orphan"- 1961 press conference about his admittance of fault over the failed Bay of Pigs invasion.The CIA had more to do with the whole failure, but a leader stood before the world and took the heat.  The next day Kennedy's ratings with the public shot up to over a 90% approval rating.


Too bad leaders today don't do the same.  If they did maybe their approval ratings would be higher than their disapproval numbers and things would be different.

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