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SWAT injures toddler with flash grenade during no-knock raid


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So family moves into a meth house where they know meth deals are going down...


The baby's family had moved into the Cornelia residence after their Wisconsin home burned, Terrell told CNN affiliate WXIA, and while the family members were aware of drug activity in the home, "they kept the children out of sight in a different room while any of these going-ons were happening."


Times can be tough without shelter over your head. But at what point is living in a known drug house with your kids and OK decision?

That's piss poor parenting in my opinion. Unfortunately, the child suffers because of a decision the parents made.

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Seems like the more direct cause of the child's suffering is due to a decision the police made. Specifically, a decision to throw a flash grenade at a baby in a crib.

Are you suggesting the officer who threw the flashbang aimed it with the explicit intention of harming the child?

Or, as I suspect, did he throw the flashbang into a dark room and the presence of the crib was unknown to him?

Anyone who engages in a pattern of criminal activity such that a police raid would be the expected result... Well, they should not be surprised when they get raided.

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Yep. This is 100 percent the fault of the parents. They moved their child into a known drug house. Police were in the home undercover and the baby was hidden away. No reason for them to expect there to be a baby there. Maybe if they were so worried about this baby, they should have found somewhere else to stay.

I love how whenever police do anything, they're always to blame... Yea, some cops are fucking dishonest worthless piles of shit, but that doesn't mean every cop is, and doesn't mean everything a cop does is wrong. They had a no knock warrant, the door was barricaded (with a crib - not that they could tell what it was obviously), so they did what procedures dictated and tossed a flash bang. Fuck those parents and fuck the people living there. Start pointing the finger at the parents where it belongs. If it was up to me, I'd press charges against the parents of the child for the kids injuries.

Edited by Steve Butters
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Sometimes life is rough and you're born with fucking idiots for parents. 

With that said, I fully support the police in this situation. 

Go cops!

The only way it could have turned out better is if all drug heads would have been killed. 

Edited by BadTrainDriver
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Yeah. People should totally die for being drug users. :lol:

Jesus Christ. :nono:


Damn right, and in Cleveland the punishment for running from the cops is 100 bullets, then when you are dead the cops get to stand on the hood and pump some more into you. No trial, cops are judge, jury and executioner.

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