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a glimpse into the mind of a radical feminist

Gixxus Christ!

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"If we look at the act in more detail (skip this parag if you can’t take it), PIV is a man mounting on a woman to thrust a large member of himself into her most intimate parts, often forcing her to be entirely naked, banging himself against her with the whole weight of his body and hips, shaking her like he would stuff a corpse, then using her insides as a receptacle for his penile dejection."

So what if my wife initiates it, and she is on top? Am I supposed to feel bad? I think I kind of like it. Maybe I should seek therapy.


She would say that your wife has internalized the overbearing and pervasive sociosexual oppression of The Patriarchy and is more or less a victim of Stockholm Syndrome.


It's incredibly offensive. How you can go from:


Women have to be free to make their own choices, as free as a man is in today's world


and end up at:


Even if a woman THINKS she's enjoying sex, it's not really enjoyable, and she's being raped every time she has sex, even if she initiates, even if she takes charge.


Is just way, way beyond my comprehension. It's an incredibly infantilizing, frustrating concept.


The point is, most of these bloggers exist in a vacuum chamber, and they only work with other feminists who think like they do, and only talk to other feminists on Tumblr who think like they do, and they never actually say any of this to men unless there are half a dozen cameras and at least 3 other proud womyn who don't need no man to back them up and corroborate the tale of the encounter on Facebook.


Fuck 'em all. But not literally because I've seen some of the pictures of these hambeasts and eurhughghgh.

Edited by Ryan_c_F
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Used to own this shirt. It was awesome. me3enyge.jpg

I need on that has " this shirt is my out of kitchen pass" or "if found take to the nearest kitchen" or " if you see this shirt, call 867-5309 I escaped from the kitchen".

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I need on that has " this shirt is my out of kitchen pass" or "if found take to the nearest kitchen" or " if you see this shirt, call 867-5309 I escaped from the kitchen".

I can make that happen lol.

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So if a man is passed out but fully erect and the woman mounts the man and finishes until orgasm. Is she raping both the man and herself?

Well... If it was this lady "witchwind" doing the mounting, ill consider myself raped as a man and be very upset about it. If it's any other woman outside her boat, I'd consider it a very happy good morning lol.

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Its crap, how can you live a happy life pissed off all the time. Wanting to please your mate is a natural human emotion and that includes celebrating bj and steak day!

These women are trying to brain wash other women, not men brain washing us.

Now I know why the women's forum is gone, its to keep them out.

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I wonder if they type with such venom because they are members of the Ellen James Society.

Or maybe they're members of the My-Ass-Is-An-Axe-Handle-Wide Society.

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No. She's just a miserable person that may have had some serious shit happen to her earlier in life. I feel bad for her, honestly. That's no way to live. :(

Yea. You're probably right.

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No. She's just a miserable person that may have had some serious shit happen to her earlier in life. I feel bad for her, honestly. That's no way to live. :(

More than likely true, but you can't live your life in the past. You should learn from it and move forward, and enjoy every second. Living life pissed off doesn't get you anywhere. I do pity her, but hope she finds a good therapist.

Edited by snot
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More than likely true, but you can't live your life in the past. You should learn from it and move forward, and enjoy every second. Living life pissed off doesn't get you anywhere. I do pity her, but hope she finds a good therapist.

she just needs to get a motorcycle and ride, then maybe her perspective on life would be much better. I wasn't unhappy before I got my bike, but riding has definitely made my life more enjoyable in some regard.

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she just needs to get a motorcycle and ride, then maybe her perspective on life would be much better. I wasn't unhappy before I got my bike, but riding has definitely made my life more enjoyable in some regard.

Riding filled a huge whole in my life. I was happy but felt I was missing something, started riding and feel in love with it. i justvhste winter. As a bonus Hellmutt is happier too.

I love it, and make better sammiches because I ride.

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No. She's just a miserable person that may have had some serious shit happen to her earlier in life. I feel bad for her, honestly. That's no way to live. :(


I agree, she needs to get a motorcycle and learn to make sammiches.  The rest will take of itself....once she embraces the PIV.  

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No. She's just a miserable person that may have had some serious shit happen to her earlier in life. I feel bad for her, honestly. That's no way to live. :(

Quite possibly true. Now I feel kinda bad about my earlier smart assed comment.


Still have a hard time feeling sympathy with people who engage in group hate - like against anyone who has a penis, for example.

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